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他们修这辆手推车一直修到深夜。He came, pushing a barrow along.

他推着手推车沿路走过。He trundled a wheel barrow down the path.

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这辆小车你愿意推呢,还是愿意拉呢?。Would you rather push the barrow or pull it?

他的手推车空空如也,里面没有一顶帽子。His barrow was empty. There were no hats in it.

为什么我不能设置同一名球员的前拉线和后拉线?。Why can't Ihave farrow anda barrow onthe same player?

巴罗岛使岛上所有的奇特居民能平安生活。Barrow Island makes all of its bizarre inhabitants safe.

我守护这个手推车铁笼子已经有1万多年了。I watched the Barrow Prisons for over 10 thousand years.

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为什么我不能设置同一名球员的前拉线和后拉线?Why can't I have a farrow and a barrow on the same player?

游苔莎最终的悲剧由古墓意象预示出来。Eustacia's final tragedy is forecasted by the barrow image.

当我把手推车推向洞口的时候,大狗米可在后面跟着我。Mick the dog follows me as I trundle the barrow to the hole.

女士看到在大街上补锅匠在他的独轮车上干活。A lady sees a pot-mender at work at his barrow in the street.

在这种情况下,Barrow有关于Blake的全长首张专辑的看法是对的。In that case, Barrow is right about Blake's full-length debut.

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这是第一次举行的艾萨克墓穴,然后在1663年由艾萨克牛顿。It was first held by Isaac Barrow , and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.

巴罗店,由于它成了中部伯明翰买卖直到1960年代。Barrow Stores, as it became, traded in Central Birmingham until the 1960s.

一天,他把帽子放进手推车里,沿路去市场。One day he put the hats into his barrow and went along the road to the market.

帽匠把他的帽子检起来放到手推车里,急忙离开这里赶往市场。The hat maker put his hats back in his barrow and quickly left for the market.

我把手推车向上掀起来,粪便就顺势哗啦啦地滑了下去。The shit slides out of the barrow when it's upturned with a slurping dead weight.

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1970年3月,副督察西摩尔。派恩袭击了左迪艾克和17巴罗街。In March 1970, Deputy Inspector Seymour Pine raided the Zodiac and 17 Barrow Street.

当我倒空了第三车粪便,我听见一棵李子树后面传来了花鸡的鸣叫。As I EMPTY the third barrow of shit, a chaffinch is singing in one of the plum trees.

在那些灰头土脸的明星经理人中,最为人熟知、也最让人意外的当属巴罗。One of the most surprising and well-known fund managers getting burned is Mr. Barrow.