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两者都是神的启示,准确无误的神的话吗?Are both teachings the inspired, inerrant Word of God?

当福音,是科学考察,才能真实地坚持以他们“无误?”When the gospels are examined scientifically, can we truthfully uphold them as "inerrant?"

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我们相信新旧约圣经是上帝直接启示的话,原文是完全无误的,为信仰与生活惟一无谬。We believe the Old and New Testaments are God's Word, inerrant in the original writing, that.

用于产品说明的语言应该浅显易懂,并且也要精确无误。The Language used for writing should be easy to read and understand, and precise and inerrant as well.

现代派拒绝圣经无误,而后现代派使圣经无误的观念变成荒谬。The modernists rejected the inerrancy of Scripture, and the postmodernists make the idea of an inerrant Bible absurd.

我们再肯定无误的圣经是唯一有记录的神圣启示,也唯一能够约束人的良心。We reaffirm the inerrant Scripture to be the sole source of written divine revelation, which alone can bind the conscience.

圣经既是神默示的话,为基督作权威的见证,理当是绝对无谬的和绝对无误的。Holy Scripture, as the inspired Word of God witnessing authoritatively to Jesus Christ, may properly be called infallible and inerrant.

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他们既然怀疑任何人类的语言能超越世代和文化的传递信息的能力,就认为没有必要讨论圣经无误导课题。They doubt that any human language can convey meaning validly across generations and cultures, so why would they care if the Bible is inerrant?

唯独圣经是教会的生命绝对标准,可是近代“福音派”教会已经把圣经的权柄舆圣经本身分割了。Scripture alone is the inerrant rule of the church's life, but the evangelical church today has separated Scripture from its authoritative function.

圣经是完全无误的神的话语,是对人类的全部启示和教会事工及基督徒生活的绝对权威。The Bible is the inerrant written Word of God, the complete revelation to mankind and absolute authority for the live of Christians and ministry of the Church.