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他扮演那一角色。He played that personage.

确实,一个新脚色登上了舞台。In fact, a new personage had entered on the scene.

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那里住着一个饭来张口的贵人,它名叫王子。There lived a pampered personage by the name of Prince.

我也是凭空出现的热血人士。I am also the red-blooded personage who appear without basis.

本书是一个剧本,其中的主要角色是无极。This book is a drama, whose leading personage is the Infinite.

最适合解放碑周围工作人士租用栖身。Suit to liberate personage of tablet periphery job to be hired most.

总有一个热热闹闹的人物谁可能会破坏大家的胃口。There's always a chattering personage who could spoil everyone's appetite.

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然而,在整个剧情的发展过程中,窦天章却是一个“灵魂”人物。However, in development of the whole story, Dou Tianzhang is a "soul"personage.

痛经该怎么查?请专业人士回答!谢谢!How should be dysmenorrhoea checked? Invite professional personage answer! Thank!

这样的沙发最适合崇尚自然而朴素的居家人士。Such sofa suits to advocate to reside a personage rustically however oneself most.

嘉丁纳夫妇也和她有同感,认为他是个耐人寻味的人物。To Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner he was scarcely a less interesting personage than to herself.

有业内人士认为,这可能是华友将出售的前兆。The personage inside course of study thinks, this may be Hua You what will sell is augural.

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网易相关人士表示,这完全是为了完善周边产品。The personage expresses related Netease, this is to perfect circumjacent product completely.

但有知情人士认为,这实际上就是变相离职。But personage of know the inside story thinks, this coverts namely actually leave one's post.

目标是塑造21世纪成功人士,打造自己的品牌形象。The Goal is to mould successful personage in 21st century, advance GTT enterprise brand image.

这样的沙发最适合崇尚自然而朴素的居家风格的人士。Such sofa suits to advocate to reside the personage of a style rustically however oneself most.

苏轼同时代及其后的文人士子,开始对“和陶诗”这一创作形式加以推广。The coeval of sushi afterwards and personage began to spread the creation form of "he tao shi".

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这位波士顿半岛的第一位定居人和半神话的人物,在我们早期的编年史中,常可读到他骑在马背上四处行走。That half mythological personage who rides through our early annals seated on the back of a bull.

乔江河得罪了沈阳有势力人士熊飞,招致杀身之祸。Tall river river displeased bear of Shenyang potent personage to fly, bring about a fatal disaster.

鬼魂形象的艺术功能主要体现在结构剧情和塑造人物两个方面。The artistic function of ghost's image embodies in the structure story and moulds personage mainly.