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香肠骑士。A sausage jockey.

香肠或牛排。Sausage or steak.

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香肠是相当美味的。Sausage is pretty tasty.

这是一种上等香肠。This is the primc sausage.

炒香肠是好吃!Sauted sausage is delicious!

吃香肠会引发旋毛虫病。Sausage can cause trichinosis.

把香肠弄碎,煎至棕色。Break up the sausage and brown.

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这其实是一种血肠。This is actually a blood sausage.

最佳配食腊味、风干肉类。Best food match sausage &dry meat.

妈妈把香肠放在篮子里。Mom puts the sausage in the basket.

很多人不喜欢血肠。Many people don't like blood sausage.

锅里香肠开始滋滋作响。The sausage began to spit in the pan.

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您要香肠、咸肉还是火腿?Would you like sausage. Bacon or ham?

他要了个长长的、意大利产的火腿肠。He asked for a long Italian ham sausage.

而我则出去给她买她最爱吃的火腿肠去了。I went out to buy the ham sausage for her.

二个半熟水煮蛋及葡萄牙香肠。Two eggs halfboiled and portuguese sausage.

尤其是加了培根或烤肠的炒鸡蛋。Especially scrambled, with bacon or sausage.

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我要薄煎饼和香肠早餐。I'd like the pancakes and sausage breakfast.

二个半熟水煮蛋及葡萄牙香肠。Two eggs half boiled and portuguese sausage.

德国香肠上放些什么呢?What garnishes come with the German sausage?