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长曲棍球运动中使用的球。The stick used in lacrosse.

你什么时候起会关注曲棍球赛了?Since when do you care about lacrosse ?

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丹尼会两项运动,长柄曲棍球和足球。He plays 2 sports, lacrosse and football.

他玩两种运动项目,长曲棍球和足球。He plays two sports, lacrosse and football.

事实上去年我甚至尝试去玩了玩长曲棍球。Actually last year I even tried playing lacrosse.

后院里没有长曲棍球网和其他装备。A lacrosse net and equipment could be seen in the yard.

N和他的长曲棍球的好友在小板屋里觳觫。N at the Shake Shack with some of his lacrosse friends.

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但长曲棍球队已经超出了主要存在于有钱的私立学校这一普遍印象。Ballou has just had its first year with a lacrosse team.

下一学年的其他运动计划有长曲棍球和曲棍球。Other sports planned for the next academic year are Lacrosse and Hockey.

在曲棍球或长曲棍球场上标识在球门前的一个长方形区域。A rectangular area marked off in front of the goal in hockey and lacrosse.

他最初的意图是将室外运动室内化,比如说足球和曲棍球。His first intention was to bring outdoor games indoors, i. e. , soccer and lacrosse.

比如,如果你喜欢长曲棍球,可以去参观一下长曲棍球博物馆和国家名人堂。For instance, if you love lacrosse, visit the Lacrosse Museum and National Hall of Fame.

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长曲棍球是一项快速移动的运动,它是一种印第安土著游戏的现代版本。Lacrosse is a fast-moving sport, the modern version of a game played by American Indians.

Hunter是康涅狄格州Somers一名大学曲棍球队员,他一直在努力地学习阅读。A varsity lacrosse player in Somers, Conn., Hunter has struggled most of his life to read.

走吧。内特是他曲棍球队的队长,也是全国跑步项目的顶尖选手。Nate is the captain of his lacrosse team, As well as being an all-star cross-country runner.

在近代最突出的外来词是有关长曲棍球和曲棍球运动方面的词汇。In recent times the most striking exports have been in the vocabulary of lacrosse and hockey.

没有长曲棍球比赛,没有高考专项测验辅导老师,没有专攻浊化“t”音的言语矫正师?No lacrosse games, no S.A.T. II tutors, no speech therapists specializing in soft “t” sounds?

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但长曲棍球队已经超出了主要存在于有钱的私立学校这一普遍印象。But lacrosse has grown beyond the popular image of a sport mainly for wealthy private schools.

杜克大学校长理查德。布劳德海德向校曲棍球队致歉。Duke University President Richard Brodhead is apologizing to the school's men's lacrosse team.

他计划明年将这套软件也应用于其他体育项目,包括长曲棍球和足球。He plans to roll out the software for other sports, including lacrosse and football, next year.