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或者读惠特曼与埃罗特?Or read Whitman or Eliot?

它的编辑是托马斯艾略特。The editor is T.S. Eliot.

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我在这儿可是有灰常灰常倒霉的时候。Wh-What are you, Eliot Ness now?

仙女们已经离开“,艾略特写到。The nymphs are departed," Eliot says.

庞德和埃利奥特去了伦敦和巴黎。Pound and Eliot importantly go to London, Paris.

艾略特是玛丽·安·埃文斯的笔名。George Eliot was the pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans.

艾略特的影响沙克尔顿的描述。S. Eliot was influenced by Shackleton's description.

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艾略特·斯皮策,吉姆·麦格瑞韦,大卫·维特,克里斯·李Eliot Spitzer, Jim McGreevey, David Vitter, Chris Lee.

比起他来,我更加推崇左拉和乔治爱略特。I rate zola and george eliot more highly than he does.

他们那套乔治。艾略特作品集被雨水淋得变色起皱了。Their set of George Eliot was foxed and buckled by the rain.

那个更严肃更奇怪,好吧,关于艾略特的讨论就到这。It's much more serious and strange. Okay. So that's enough on Eliot.

艾略特•西格尔是马里兰医学院放射科的副主任。Eliot Siegel is vice chair of Radiology at Maryland's medical school.

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在人的一生中,同样的场景一旦经历就不再会遇到。In the life of one man, never the same time returns. ----T. S. Eliot.

我女儿Eliot在建造过程中起监工的作用。My daughter Eliot performed a supervisory role during the construction

帕特森已接替斯皮策成为新州长,后者正陷入召妓丑闻之中。Paterson took over for Eliot Spitzer who is caught in a call-girl ring.

因为女人被认为不能写小说,她就采用了乔治·艾略特这个名字。As women were not supposed to be novelists, she took the name George Eliot.

约翰·爱德华斯、马克·赫得、马克·桑富德、艾略特.斯披策,他们是怎么想的呢?But what were John Edwards, Mark Hurd, Mark Sanford and Eliot Spitzer thinking?

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最幸福的女人,像最幸福的民族一样,没有历史。The happiest women, like the happiest nations, have no history. -----George Eliot.

可是她跟我谈不了庞德,或是艾略特,我跟她结婚时不知道这个。But she won't discuss Pound with me. Or Eliot. I didn't know that when I married her.

艾略特在波士顿南端一个简陋的④体育馆里,跟一位退役拳击手学拳击。Eliot took boxing lessons from an ex-pugilist in a toughish gym in Boston's South End.