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我想在那里呆三个月。I'm planning to stay there foy 3 months.

但是,他说民意测验应谨慎解读。However, Foy said, the poll should beinterpreted with caution.

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足总同时指出从头到尾,温格都没提过福伊的名字。The FA also noted that at no time did Wenger mention Foy by name.

适用于刷涂、辊涂及各种喷涂机械。Fittiog foy brushing , roll spreading and any spraying equipments.

佛伊与科贝林斯基2008年到塞内加尔研究疟疾。Foy and Kobylinski travelled to Senegal in 2008 to research malaria.

美国科罗拉多州立大学的疟疾研究员布赖恩福伊发现的是,你可以。Malaria researcher Brian Foy of Colorado State University found out that yes, you can.

本系列适用于生活用淡水管系和卫生水管系。This series pressure cabinet is suitable to tube systems foy daily fresh water and sanitary water.

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随后达伦本特在终场前在门前混战攻入一球。Moments later Bent scored from close range for Sunderland before Chris Foy brought proceedings to a close.

这部剧并不只有闪闪发亮的华服,现年32岁的英国女演员克莱尔。福伊表示。It's not all twinkle, twinkle, twinkle and look at all the finery, says 32-year-old British actressClaire Foy.

不过,娇伊从未到过非洲,在家中得到这种疾病的机会几乎不可能。But Joy Chilson Foy had not been to Africa and her chances of getting the disease at home are next to impossible.

在要求安德雷。维拉斯。博阿斯解释其关于裁判佛伊的评论后,英足总还没有对他进行处罚。The FA are yet to rule on manager Andre Villas-Boas after asking him to explain comments made about referee Chris Foy.

早些时候,巴拉克承认自己阻挡了埃弗拉,说他“很高兴”福伊没有吹犯规。Earlier, Ballack admitted blocking Evra during the match at Wembley, adding that he was "happy" that Foy did not blow for a foul.

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赛后曼联经理弗格森爵士大为光火,福伊也被曼联球员包围。In the aftermath of the incident, which incensed United manager, Sir Alex Ferguson, Foy was surrounded by protesting United players.

弗格森爵士为曼联没能拿下社区盾感到遗憾,也质疑了裁判克里斯。福伊的判罚。Sir Alex Ferguson cited a controversial incident involving referee Chris Foy as he assessed Uniteds slender surrender of the Community Shield.

温格同样对导致西汉姆联队第二个进球的点球判罚不满——宋对卡尔顿在禁区里的犯规让裁判判罚了点球。And he also hit out at the penalty decision for the Hammers' second after referee Chris Foy ruled Alex Song had fouled Carlton Cole in the box.

只有裁判福易心里才清楚为什么上半场的点球他没有判,当内威尔在多兰斯射门的时刻的那个犯规,严格来说可判红牌。Only referee Chris Foy will know why he failed to give a first-half penalty — perhaps even a red card — for Gary Neville's goal-saving foul on Graham Dorrans.

温格特别提到了在斯托克和热刺交锋中的几次判罚,在他看来,福伊错误地纵容了对方的危害动作。Wenger had particularly highlighted several challenges in the game between Stoke and Tottenham that, in his opinion, Foy had wrongly allowed to go unpunished.

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Foy教授及几位合著者新发表了一篇探索方面的论文,他们认为这是蚊媒病毒在人类之间通过性接触传播的首例。Professor Foy and the co-authors of a new paper on the discovery believe it is the first instance of sexual transmission of a mosquito-born virus between humans.

Foy称,这一发现提示伊佛霉素的大规模治疗可能作为抵抗疟疾的一种新的武器,作为杀虫喷雾剂,蚊帐,以及其他药物的补充。The finding suggests mass treatment with ivermectin would be a new weapon against malaria, complementing insecticide spraying, bed nets, and other drugs, Foy says.

在刻画了伊丽莎白公众和私人的一面之后,福伊十分崇敬女王,认为她是个非常非常伟大的人。Having played both the public and private Elizabeth, Foy admiringly sees the monarch as avery, very, very good, good, good person who has given her life for her country.