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它就是X光。This is ray optics.

光学是物理学的一个分科。Optics is a branch of physics.

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纤维光学。Patent Newsletter-Fiber Optics.

他对物理光学很感兴趣。He is very interested in physical optics.

光学配件安装阻碍可移动的子装置上。Optics are mounted on removable sub-assemblies.

“声谱图”一词是从光学借来的。The term "spectrogram" is borrowed from optics.

武汉光谷激光技术股份有限公司。Wuhan Optics Valley Laser Technology Co. , Ltd.

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量子光学与量子信息领域中的中国。China in quantum optics and quantum information.

雾灯和前灯宝石等光学特性。Fog lamps and headlamps feature jewel-like optics.

这部分内容叫做物理光学。This part of the subject is called physical optics.

现代巴卢不会降低你的望远镜的光学。A modern Barlow will not degrade your telescope's optics.

文中还给出了几种准直和聚焦的光学系统。Some of the collimating and re focusing optics are given.

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波前校正是自适应光学的核心内容。Wave-front correcting is the core of the adaptive optics.

光学可以看作是一个子电磁场。Optics can thus be regarded as a sub-field of electromagnetism.

总的来说,我对这支双筒镜的光学表现印象深刻。Overall, I'm quite impressed with the optics of this binocular.

换句话说,你就可以利用石墨薄膜来进行变换光学了。In other words, you can do transformation optics using graphene.

分析了三类X射线微聚焦光学元件的特点和适用范围。Summarized X-ray microscope and micro-focusing optics for X ray.

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对实际激光,一方面或多或少存在硬边光阑光学元件影响。For a real laser, there exists hard-aperture optics more or less.

光学成像和失常,第二部分。波衍射光学Optical Imaging and Aberrations, Part II. Wave Diffraction Optics

部分这些活跃电缆辗过光纤或5类电缆。Some of these active cables run over fiber optics or Cat-5 cable.