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胸苷激酶基因被发现在单纯疱疹病毒。Thymidine kinase gene is found in herpes simplex virus.

血清肌酸激酶轻度升高。The level of serum creatine kinase was slightly elevated.

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IKKE基因可以产生一种蛋白激酶,也被称作IKKE。The gene IKKE produces a protein kinase also known as IKKE.

在牛精子中发现了蛋白激酶C抑制剂。A protein kinase C inhibitor is found in bovine spermatozoa.

甘油激酶基本动力学性质研究。The kinetic property of glycerol kinase from debaryomyces sp.

可能需要尝试许多不同的激酶活化剂才能得到答案。Perhaps the answer is to try a number of different kinase activators.

苏尼替尼是一种新型的多靶点酪氨酸激酶抑制剂。Sunitinb is a novel multitargeted receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor.

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问题代码番茄基因被叫作胸腺嘧啶核苷激酶。目前讨论的编码酶…The tomato gene in question codes for an enzyme called thymidine kinase.

下一步将测定化合物对Akt激酶的抑制活性。Next we will determine Akt kinase inhibitory activity of these compounds.

在这种情况下,IKKE蛋白激酶作为新陈代谢的制动机制。In that situation, the IKKE protein kinase acts as a brake on the metabolism.

它产生了一种激酶活性,导致了受体蛋白的磷酸化It generates a kinase activity which leads to phosphorylation of the protein.

过去我们依靠肌酸激酶或肌酸激酶MB片段进行诊断。In the past we relied on creatine kinase or the MB fragment of creatine kinase.

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整体而言,口服激酶抑制剂的结果已经非常令人兴奋了,罗宾逊说。Overall, the results from oral kinase inhibitors are very exciting, says Robinson.

厄洛替尼是一种小分子的酪氨酸激酶抑制剂,它能有效地阻断EGFR的作用。Erlotinib is a small molecule tyrosine kinase inhibitor that efficiently blocks EGFR.

基于BLAST搜索,得到植物丝裂原活化蛋白激酶激酶基因序列。Based on the result of BLAST search, 7 plant MAP kinase kinase sequences were collected.

线粒体中PTEN引起的激酶1的突变会引起早发型阿尔茨海默病。Mutations in the mitochondrial PTEN-induced kinase 1 cause early onset recessive Parkinson's.

将利用驱动肌肉的肌酶的血流水平评估肌肉的整体性。Blood levels of muscle-derived creatine kinase are measured as assessments of muscle integrity.

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当小麦植株令其缺钾时,丙酮酸激酶活性随之升高。When wheat plants allowed to become deficient in potassium, pyruvate kinase activity increased.

鉴定了分子量为130000酪氨酸磷酸化的蛋白质为JAK2,一种非受体型酪氨酸激酶。The tyrosine phosphorylated 130000 protein was identified as JAK2, a non receptor tyrosine kinase.

继发性FLT3-TKD突变与酪氨酸激酶抑制剂治疗失败有关。Secondary FLT3-TKD mutations are associated with treatment failure with tyrosine kinase inhibitors.