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这是整党的严肃性。This is the inviolability of Party consolidation.

我们只要让他知道我们是不可侵犯的。We as long as let him know us is an inviolability.

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是法国海外的领土,法国认为这是他的不可侵犯的一部分。French overseas territories, France believes that this is part of the inviolability.

而承诺书,系小区业主对其他相邻权不受侵害所作出的保证。And the undertaking of other owners of small Xianglinquan inviolability of guarantee.

外交信使人身不受侵犯,不受逮捕或者拘留。He shall enjoy personal inviolability and shall not be liable to arrest or detention.

第十三条外交代表的寓所不受侵犯,并受保护。Article 13. The residence of a diplomatic agent shall enjoy inviolability and protection.

但是,对于一个强烈坚持主权不可侵犯的国家来说,这种承诺是向前迈了一大步。But for a government so fiercely insistent on the inviolability of its own sovereignty, this was a big step.

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民法作为市民社会的基本法,其基本观念是私权神圣。Civil law is the basic law of a civil society, and its essential concept is the inviolability of civil rights.

法院认为,男孩人身不受侵犯权要高于宗教信仰,高于其父母享受的父母权利。The court felt that the boy's right to inviolability trumped the religious and parental rights of his mother and father.

大家一致认为,记者的采访权及人身安全不容侵犯,规范物业管理刻不容缓。It was agreed that the reporters and the right to inviolability of personal safety, property management imperative norms.

量子密码术的不可侵犯性,是建立在真实世界里不见得成立的一组假设上。The supposed inviolability of quantum cryptography rests on a set of assumptions that do not necessarily carry over into the real world.

诺齐克则强调“权利”的首要性,坚持权利是不可侵犯的,以非模式化的历史原则反驳罗尔斯的分配正义理论。Nozick emphasized right to hold its inviolability and disproved Ralws' distributive justice theory by unpattorned and historical principles.

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清丽的面容却大写着让人起敬的高贵与不可侵犯的尊严。The lucid and attractive noodles permit but the capital letter wear to let the person rise to respect of noble and inviolability of dignity.

民法理念的内涵丰富,其本质是正义,其核心表现为私权神圣、人格平等和私法自治。The essence of civil law idea is justice, and its core incarnate inviolability of private right, equality of personality and autonomy of will.

无论这幅画是一种记忆性的情景还是象征性的虑构,都足以说明父亲的威严和不可侵犯。Whether the painting is a scene memory or symbolic structure into account, are sufficient to show the dignity and inviolability of his father.

民主世界现在正在竭力除掉这道防线,而专制政体则奋起保卫“国家主权不容侵犯”这一原则。Now the democratic world is in the process of removing that protection, while the autocrats rush to defend the principle of sovereign inviolability.

这项决议还陈述了安理会的目的是“采取各种合适的必要措施”确保伊拉克和科威特边界不可侵犯。And it stated the Security Council's intention "to take as appropriate all necessary measures" to guarantee the inviolability of the Iraq-Kuwait border.

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你们划出这句子有可能是因为你们被说服了,因为这是弥尔顿精彩的释放的,开明的不断前进的对于绝对神圣的书写文字的庆祝。You underlined it perhaps because you were convinced that this was Milton's wonderful and liberatory, progressive celebration of the absolute inviolability of the written word.

由于学生基本权利的不可侵犯性与学校自主管理的教育规律,司法介入公立学校管理存在一定的限度。There should be limitation for judicial intervention in school administration because of the inviolability of the basic rights of students and the rules of school administration.

量子保密通信提供了一种绝对安全的通信方案,它的安全性由不可改变的自然规律保证,是任何技术都无法攻破的。Quantum cryptography provides a new method for absolutely secure communication, which is guaranteed by the inviolability of a Law of Nature, and any advanced technologies cannot decipher it.