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她是华尔街一名业绩斐然的经纪人。She's a hotshot broker on Wall Street.

自命不凡的埃迪需要钱买把新吉他。Hotshot Eddie needed money to buy a new guitar.

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我知道你是一名相当成功的大学毕业生,需要证明你的能力。I know you are a hotshot college graduate with something to prove.

久而久之,一般的电脑故障我也能手到病除了。As time passes, general computer breakdown I also hotshot arrives ill besides.

我只是好奇,怎么他成得了抢手的指挥官而你只能在这里做个小吏呢?I was just curious, how was he is a hotshot commander and you are this smallpol?

是你让这个愣小子冲到这儿抢走我的案子的?You're gonna let some fucking hotshot punk come in here and take my fucking case?

他们会面的目的就是哲科,切尔西同样也对这位德甲当红射手有着浓厚的兴趣。Central to their conversations were Dzeko, the Bundesliga hotshot who is also attracting the interest of Chelsea.

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厉害的银行家先生,除非我点头,她连个屁都不敢放一个。Mr Hotshot Banker, if she ate her way through a boxcar of Ex-Lax, she wouldn't dare fart unless I gave her the nod.

星芭在舰队学院凭借她在哪种运动中的技能得到了奖学金?Future hotshot pilot Kara "Starbuck" Thrace received a scholarship to the Fleet Academy based on her skill in what game?

所有的MBA高干都应该在最初入职的3个月里管好自己的嘴巴,不要去解决任何事。All hotshot MBAs should wear tape over their mouths for the first 3 months on the job and not be allowed to “fix” anything.

我知道你是个好网球手。但你可别太傲,每次见到我时没必要总提醒我你曾获过冠军杯吧!I know you're a good tennis player, hotshot. You don't have to remind me that you won the championship every time I see you.

美国加州可恩郡的「特技队员」,在摩罗戈谷的山坡上维持锯齿山火灾的防火线。Kern County Hotshot crews hold the fire lines of the Sawtooth fire in the hills of Morongo Valley California, July 13, 2006.

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这次是在是纽约炙手可热的记者和南方单纯朴素的图书管理员这两个曾被爱情所伤的主角之间。This one features a hotshot New York journalist and a plain-speaking Southern librarian, both of whom have been hurt by love before.

一大批业务能手脱颖而出,为公司的发展带来蓬勃的生机。Large quantities of one business hotshot show itself, the development that is a company is brought flourishinglyopportunity of survival.

高人气似乎总是伴随着自以为是——目前已知他是第一个以比赛速度穿过砭石天然碑的大胆驾驶员。Brashness seemed to go with popularity -- he was the first known hotshot pilot to thread the Stone Needle natural monument at racing speeds.

如何对桥梁结构进行质量检评和加固也已成为国内外学术界、工程界研究的热点。So, how to perform quality detection . evaluation and reinforce of bridges has become a research hotshot of foreign academia and domain of engineering.

但是创建一个由有毅力销售者组成的直销团队——也许他们每个月仅仅只赚几百美元——但是这比没过几个月就离开的销售团队来说可以给你带来更大的利润。But creating a team of consistent sellers--even those who are just earning a few hundred dollars each month--can return considerably more than a hotshot who leaves after a couple of months.

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你大概遇到过这样的情况,公司里干了20多年的老员工翻着白眼向你谈论那个新来的MBA高干,才刚入职就对他人的工作指指点点。You’ve probably worked at companies were people who’ve been there for 2 decades roll their eyes telling you about the new hotshot MBA who just started and is now telling everyone how to do their jobs.