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一看就知道是一个文人,喜欢运动,却不善言谈。An exact literator who likes sport but not so talkative.

我在这里看到一个传统中国文化人的境界。I can see the "realm" of a traditional Chinese literator.

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儿童文学家,中国作家协会会员。Children's literator , Member of China Writers Association.

上面的图片是由明代的文人所创作。The pictures above all created by the literator in Ming Dynasty.

文人置身山水,纵情山水,寄意山水留下了一首首动人的山水诗篇。Literator leave behind countless poems when they riot in the landscape.

传统的隐逸文化对文人园林的发展有着重要影响。The traditional hermit culture has an important influence upon the development of the literator gardening.

文人园林,是中国传统文人追求人生至高精神境界的感性诠释。Chinese literator landscape garden is the annotation of the traditional literator pursuing the highest realm of life.

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在古代中国,文人特别注重书法,而且书法也成了科举考试中必不可少的科木。In ancient China, literator put emphasis on calligraphy, which become necessary test contents of imperial examination.

以寒士为主体的唐代文人生活方式,对唐代诗歌创作产生了直接的影响。The humble scholar life style of Tang Dynasty's literator has a strong impact on the creation of Tang Dynasty's poetry.

这一思想矛盾纠缠着每一位富有青春气质的唐代文人,给他们的人生抉择和审美价值判断带来困惑和痛苦。Every young Tang Dynasty's literator is entangled with this problem. They are bewildered by the choice of lifeway and value of aesthetics.

总体上看,元初一代文人由于异族统治而缺乏传统士人的热情,在努力为自己重新定位。In the overall looked, Because the alien race rules , The literators lacks the traditional literator enthusiasm, in relocates diligently for oneself.

顾璘身为明代中期文坛上的一个文学大家,也是明代中期诗歌复古派的重要成员之一。Gu Lin is not only a famous literator in the middle of Ming Dynasty, but also one of the most important revivalistic poets in the middle Ming Dynasty.

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王元骧旗帜鲜明地站在底层民众的立场上同当前中国文艺界一些恶劣思想倾向进行了坚决的斗争,表现出一位真正的文艺理论家的勇气和锋芒。Wang Yuanxiang took a resolute struggle with some disgusting thinking standing on the lowly people's position, which showed his courage as a true literator.

本文从生态学的视角,将李杨戏视为一个有机生命体来研究,主要分析其内部文人创作与民间创作这两条艺术链之间的关系。In the view of it, the writer of this paper regards it as a vivid "Organism", so as to investigate the relationships between Literator Creation and Folk Creation.

本论文以晚明画家和画论家董其昌的文人画艺术为主要研究内容,从艺术理论和艺术实践两大方面进行分析和阐述。Dong Qichang was a drawer and a drawing theorist of Ming Dynasty, his literator brush drawing theory and practice were the investigative central content of this thesis.

历代不少文人、画家都直接参与了造园,这也把文人的思想,画家的理论、画风、笔意熔铸于园林的创作之中。Many literators and painters of past dynasties had participated in gardening directly, which add the literator 's thought, and painter's theory, style and method into garden creation.