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土楼作为一种独特的地域性建筑,深深扎根于中国的乡村社会。The terrene building is a special kind construction in a special region of Chinese country.

簇射芯位重建是基于地面的宇宙线观测实验的关键工作之一。The reconstruction of shower core is one of the key works of cosmic ray experiment based on terrene.

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经过这一分化发育过程,人类才具备了适应陆地环境的生存能力。After this process, human which adapt from aquatic state have the ability to adapt to the terrene environment.

将数学方法与地质实际相结合,严密推导出一个岩层真厚度计算的新公式。Combined with mathematics and geological practice, a new expression for calculating true thickness of terrene is deduced.

辽宁东部—吉林南部的古元古宙变质岩系中存在一些成分特殊的岩石。Some geochemically unusual rocks are found in the Paleoproterozoic terrene in eastern Liaoning and south Jilin Provinces.

多层土质边坡结构中,可靠指标随层间相关系数的减小而增大。In multilayered terrene slope structure, the reliability index increase with the decrease of correlation coefficients between layers.

苏北盆地处于典型的季风区域中,是连接陆—海的关键性区域,盆地内连续巨厚的湖泊沉积是研究古气候、古环境的理想材料。Northern Jiangsu basin lies in the transitional area from ocean to terrene. The climate of this area is influenced significantly by the East-Asian monsoon.

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陆地表面和大气的相互作用是地学定量化的重要研究内容之一,也是许多领域的关键点。The reciprocity between terrene surface with atmosphere is one of the important research content on geography , what ' s more , it ' s the key in many fields.

在金矿带北侧海西期花岗岩内和南侧白山镇一带变质岩地区进行外围找矿始终没有突破性进展。Therefore, there is no great progress in the gold exploration in the Hercynian granite to the north and in the metamorphic terrene near Baishanzhen to the south.

土质高边坡工程的设计中,土性参数的选取对边坡稳定性计算结果的影响往往要比选用不同计算方法更为显著。In this article, the author discusses how to choose the tentative design on complicated terrene slope, and introduces the characteristic of construction technology.

河流是陆地与海洋相互作用的重要纽带,查明陆地河流活性物质入海通量是当前生态地球化学评价的一项重要任务。River is a bridge between terrene and ocean. It is very important to study the flux of river active material flowing into the sea for current ecological geochemical evaluation.

导致草坪凹陷、坑洼的因素是多方面的,有土壤土质因素、施工技术因素以及其他因素,如不可抗力和人为因素等,其中土壤土质因素为主要和直接因素。Many factors can cause lawn hollow and hole, such as soil terrene, construction technology or force majeure and man-made factors, in which soil terrene is the main and direct factor.

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在矿区铁路下进行放顶煤开采所引起的地表及铁路的变形量大,变形速度快,从而导致矿区铁路维护困难。The fully mechanized caving coal mining under the railway in mine area will result in difficult maintenance of railway because of great deformation and subsidence speed of terrene and railway.

岩溶陷落柱是奥灰岩溶空洞上覆岩层塌陷的产物,岩溶陷落柱的形成首先取决于岩溶发育程度。The collapse column is production of sink terrene of the abstruse ash dissolve rock inanition, the form of the dissolve rock falling pole first rest with collapse column' grade of the development.