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说是分裂大概也不过分。Schism is probably not an overstatement.

这样,一种深刻的美国分裂主义诞生了。In this way, a deep American schism was born.

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教会在神学理论上已经分裂了,这是一种情感上的分裂。The church has had theological schisms. This is an emotional schism.

研究者们就变数展开思考,这就形成了巨大的分裂。Researchers think in terms of variables, and there’s just a huge schism.

我们太容易把自己教会中的分立看成是十恶不赦的。We are much too apt to look at schism in our church as an unmitigated evil.

若望·保禄二世说,结束宗派分裂,是他最大的心愿之一。John Paul II stated that an end to the Great Schism was one of his fondest wishes.

当司布真退出浸信会联盟,从方方面面看他都是行了一件分裂的事。For all appearances Spurgeon committed an act of schism when he pulled out of the Baptist Union.

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无神论内部或许有流派之分,无神论者相互也会争论,但说成分裂是不对的。There might be currents within atheism, and atheists can argue, but schism isn't the right word.

哈马斯和法塔赫分别处于伊朗和美国的阵营,巴勒斯坦人正面临瘫痪的分裂。With Hamas inside Iran’s tent and Fatah in America’s, the Palestinians are now facing a paralysing schism.

公司分立前的债务按所达成的协议由分立后的公司承担。The agreement that the debt before company component reachs by place is assumed by the company after schism.

分离势力救了巴尔克,杜库伯爵亲自劝他在绝地武士团中制造分裂。The Separatists had rescued Bulq and Count Dooku had personally approached him to spread a schism in the Jedi order.

破坏教会合一的是谬误,留在一个纵容谬误的宗派联盟里就是支持分裂。It is error which breaks the unity of churches, and to remain in a denominational alignment which condones error is to support schism.

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他用四个章节的非难他们的分歧,这并没有真正达到什麽构成正式分裂或异端。He devotes four chapters to the reprehension of their divisions, which did not really amount to anything constituting formal schism or heresy.

圣公会在全球的分裂代表了Ahmanson一次巨大的成功,而8号提案的通过更使他达到长期事业的顶峰。While the Episcopal global schism represented a towering achievement for Ahmanson, the passage of Prop 8 would be the apotheosis of his long career.

由于他的神学变得更接近调和主义和折衷主义,一种分裂出现了,更为保守的派别仍然保持在泰戈尔的领导下。As his theology became more syncretistic and eclectic, a schism developed, and the more conservative faction remained under the leadership of Tagore.

此次失败让梭罗陷入花了数年才偿清的债务之中,而爱默生的不妥建议开始导致了朋友间终未彻底解决的不和。Its failure put Thoreau into debt that took years to pay off, and Emerson's flawed advice began to cause a schism between the friends that never entirely healed.

本文从安史之乱以后,玄宗、肃宗父子间争权夺位这一角度论述了西川从原剑南节度分立之原因。This paper analyzes the cause of the schism of Xichuan from Jiannan after the An-shi Rebellion, when the Emperor Xuan and the Emperor Su were fighting for power.

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尽管叛乱最初寻求的是泛种族的同盟,但由于支持政府和反对政府的两派之间的分裂使得这场叛乱罪中分裂为不同的种族阵线。And while the rebels initially sought a pan-ethnic front, the schism between those who opposed the government and those who supported it broke largely on ethnic lines.

其实直到1989年前后,我们才了解到游戏世界和社会世界的区别,意味着二度人生和魔兽世界有着不同的哲学体系。It wasn't really until about 1989 that we got the schism between game-like and social worlds that means Second Life and World of Warcraft have such different philosophies.

那些固守这种思考方式--认为在物质王国和灵性领域之间存在着永远的分裂--的人们会最倾向于进入这种意识上的错乱。Those who adhere to the thought form that there is an eternal schism between the realms of matter and those of spirit will be most prone to this aberration in consciousness.