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正如朝圣者闲谈,使漫漫长途缩短。As palmers' chat makes short their pilgrimage.

许多人前往麦加或耶路撒冷朝圣。Many people go on a pilgrimage to Mecca or Jerusalem.

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教宗本笃十六世在安哥拉进行了他对非洲的第一次朝拜。The Pope is in Angola on his first pilgrimage to Africa.

市内的布达拉宫则是朝圣的终点。The Potala Palace, the city is a pilgrimage destination.

难以触及的水源会被认为是圣地。Any hard-to-reach water will be deemed a pilgrimage site.

他爸爸带他踏上了去爱尔兰的情感之旅。His father took him on a sentimental pilgrimage to Ireland.

进香过后,就给祖父母及叔叔们拜年。Pilgrimage after the New Year give grandparents and uncles.

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但如今,这项一年一度的冬季大迁徙被推迟了。These days, though, this annual winter pilgrimage is delayed.

我在世寄居,素来以你的律例为诗歌。Thy statutes have been my songs in the house of my pilgrimage.

那儿离朝圣之路与通往坎佩尔的道路的交叉路口很近。It is near where the pilgrimage route crosses the road to Quimper.

金日成陵墓是至高无上的这么一个地方。The high point of the pilgrimage circuit is Kim Il Sung's mausoleum.

现代的城镇是一个贸易中心和朝圣地。The modern town is a trade center and pilgrimage site. Population, 46, 300.

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F1516是弟子荣风对朝圣的感想报告。F1516 is disciple Rong Feng's report on his reflections over the pilgrimage.

在记忆中,开水房好像是一个朝圣地,而我们是清教徒。In memory, Hot room appears to be a pilgrimage site, and we are puritanical.

据说他死后葬在以弗所,他的墓地成为朝圣地。He is said to have died in Ephesus, and his tomb became a site of pilgrimage.

这传染病在一年一度进行麦加朝圣之前停止。The epidemic was stopped before the annual pilgrimage to Mecca got under way.

人生历程何谈简单,好和坏不可能分开。Nothing in the pilgrimage was simple. Good and bad were impossible to separate.

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中世纪圣地亚哥一德孔波斯特拉是朝圣的要地。Santiago de Compostela was an important place of pilgrimage in the Middle Ages.

他们是专业的信仰,祈祷,救济,禁食,并朝圣。They are the profession of faith, prayer, almsgiving , fasting, and pilgrimage.

一位虔诚的年老妇女从邻省出发,开始她的朝圣之旅。A devout elderly lady from a nearby province came on a pilgrimage to Wat Pah Pong.