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必须执行的项目表。Lists of actionable items that have to be performed.

怎样带领一个灵活多变、言出必行、各尽其能的会议?How to lead a flexible, actionable and feasible meeting?

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第二,要扩展我国民事纠纷的可诉范围。Secondly, we must expand our range of civil disputes actionable.

所有这些项目都是可行的,也就是实际上你可以做到这些。Each of these items are actionable i.e. you can actually DO them.

为了使你能在你的目标上采取行动,这些目标必须能够执行。In order for you to act on your objective, it must be actionable.

诽谤只有向第三者传播才能起诉。A slander is not actionable unless it is published to a third person.

应该检查警告,但是不一定要采取措施。This warning is considered reviewable, but not necessarily actionable.

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流程和策略是任何治理模型的可操作核心。Processes and policies are the actionable heart of any governance model.

对于批评,我会从他们的评论中寻找任何可行的建议。For criticism, I seek out any actionable suggestions from their comments.

所以开始写下你的计划,列出你能想到的每一个行动步骤吧。So start writing your plan and list out as many actionable steps as you can.

对每个目标来说,都要考虑下一个可行的步骤是什么并写下了。With every goal consider what the next actionable step is and write it down.

要让写出的邮件有效果又能节约时间,那邮件内容就得具有可操作性。To write effective emails that save you time, you need to make them actionable.

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这些损害可能被授予是否诽谤本身可或下狱惩罚性赔偿。Such damages may be awarded whether the defamation is actionable per se or per quod.

总而言之,我们希望委员会提出的结论和建议可以付诸于行动。Above all, we wanted the Committee’s conclusions and recommendations to be actionable.

但是在合并操作期间,仅可操作插入、更新、及删除触发器。But during the merge operation, only insert, update, and delete triggers are actionable.

笔者在第四章提出了完善我国可诉性补贴体系的若干建议。Chapter Four put forward some suggestions to improve China's actionable subsidies system.

保证你的计划清单由许多小而易行、能迅速完成的步骤组成。Make sure your list of todos has lots of small, actionable steps that can be done quickly.

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保证你的计划清单由许多小而易行、能迅速解决的步骤组成。Make sure your list of todos has lots of small, actionable steps that can be done quickly.

别人可以给你可行的建议,但他们给不了你对自我价值的判断。Other people can offer actionable suggestions, but they can’t be the judge of your self-worth.

当我们收到这样一条紧急而又可行的短信,我们能够立刻创建报告。When we receive an urgent and actionable SMS like this one, we can immediately create a report.