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他们激励他人。They motivate others.

什么会激发他们?What will motivate them?

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那将激励你奋发图强还是让你变得消极厌世呢?Did it motivate or demotivate you?

那又是什么激发了我们的人物角色呢?Our personas, and what motivate them?

激发学生的爱国热情。Motivate the students' love for our homeland.

利用卡瓦多媒体说服患者。Motivate your patients using KaVo Multimedia.

伙伴可以督促你帮你克服懒惰。Partners can motivate you to overcome laziness.

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但是这些音乐似乎激励他们努力坚持。But it seemed to motivate them to push themselves.

我们必须策励教友传教的工作。We need to motivate members to do missionary work.

我将由上节课的内容引出促进监管的主题I want to motivate regulation in terms of the last lecture.

但首先要做的是,必须明确那些是对我们有刺激作用的感情。The first step is to identify the feeling which motivate us.

也许特拉帕托尼的到来能够激发国米?Might Giovanni Trapattoni be the right man to motivate Inter?

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一些书籍鼓励和促使我们的生活变得更加丰盈。Some books inspire and motivate us to do more with our lives.

行动将使你更有进取心,在行动过程中,它还会给你指明方向。Action will motivate you and show you the way as you go along.

您的分会如何激励与奖励会员达成各项荣衔与成就?。How does your club motivate and recognize member achievements?

不要依赖我或者你的上线来督促前进。Do not depend on me or your upline to motivate you into action.

弗林斯-贝肯鲍尔大概以前也是这样激励球员的。Franz Beckenbauer supposedly used to motivate like that as well.

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这能够让你至少能露个面,并有所行动。These will motivate you to at least show up, and to take action.

创建一张歌曲列表或CD刺激你的锻炼。Create a playlist or CD of songs that motivate you for a workout.

激发家长能量,优势在不同领域。Motivate parents and their superiorities are in different fields.