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这部小说差劲地刷新了女性罗曼史的版图。The novel which, raunchily, redrew the map of women's romance.

无论他多久再拉它,不幸地,顶尖的工作是六月。No matter how often he redrew it, unfortunately, the top task was Jun.

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于是,我重画了他的脚很多次,直到克莉丝露出温和的面容同意我的修改为止。So I redrew his feet a lot until finally Chris relented and agreed to my changes.

艺术家重新修改了海报,画上的美人鱼胸部用一根肩带遮挡着。The artist redrew the poster to include a sash over the mermaid's exposed breast.

两位创始人,谢尔盖和雷斯页越夏,想要些乐趣,所以我重划地区的形象。The two founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, wanted something more fun, so I redrew parts of the image.

近二十年来,由于电子计算机技术的迅速发展,价键理论重新得到了人们的重视。In the last few years, thanks to the rapid progress of computer technology VB theory redrew attentions of chemists.

其中最大的一个纪念活动将在法国东北部凡尔登举行,就是这场战争使欧洲版图从此改变。One of the biggest commemorations of the conflict which redrew the map of Europe will take place in at Verdun in northeastern France.

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作为这个计划的一个衍生物,印度空军重新规划了他的行动计划,而且目标被重新定义,以与改变的方法和方向同调。As an offshoot of the same, IAF redrew its operational plans and objectives were redefined in tune with the changed modus-operandi and directions.

他画了一些素描,比如在病床上握着一个iPad,设计新的移动显示器和X线设备,他还重新设计了“一些不特殊的”医院部门。He sketched devices to hold an iPad in a hospital bed. He designed new fluid monitors and x-ray equipment. He redrew that not-quite-special-enough hospital unit.

我父母的离异也带来了突如其来的大灾难,不仅改变了许多原来划定的疆界,还以箴言式的笔势勾划出使人迷惑和失落的新境遇。And there was the vast, unsuspected cataclysm of my parents' divorce, that redrew so many boundaries, and created, with the proverbial stroke of the pen, vast new areas of confusion and dismay.