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看!我曾经可是大地主哟!Look! I am a landlord !

地主的儿子是贱货!Landlord is the son of bitch!

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这地主家有只大公鸡。Now this landlord had a cock.

不,房东换锁了。No, The landlord changed the locks.

说来也十分平淡无味,是我们的旅馆老板。The very prosaic one of our landlord.

是延森先生。"It's Mr. Jensen," said the landlord.

刘文财是个暴君般的地主。Liu Wencai was a tyrant of a landlord.

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地主鱼肉农民。The landlord preyed upon the peasants.

他为父亲向地主报了仇。He revenged his father on the landlord.

店主留他住一夜。The landlord bestowed him for the night.

房东在我房间里放了一个新暖炉。The landlord put a new stove in my room.

房东威胁要把我们赶走。The landlord threatened to throw us out.

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所有的农民都憎恨这个缺德的地主。All the farmers hate the wicked landlord.

夹皮沟地主钱大发的房子。Jiapigou landlord of the house big money.

那个狠心的地主不肯给他减租。The cruel landlord would bate him no rent.

他被地主打得青一块紫一块。He was beaten black and blue by the landlord.

我的房东又要我搬家了。My landlord made me move out of the apartment.

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地主就会收回租地或抬高地租。The landlord will evict him or raise his rent.

你的这点儿小钱王员外根本看不上眼。Your money is far too little for the landlord.

房东保留营业装璜的权力。Landlord right to retain tenant trade fixtures.