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一个很假设性的情况。So a hypothetical condition.

这里是一个假设性的例子。Here is a hypothetical example.

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第三个钱坑是假设的。The third money pit is hypothetical.

盖利森采用了一个假设来解释这个问题。Galison uses a hypothetical to explain why.

让咱们假设唯一咱们不相同意的状况。Let's imagine a hypothetical case wITe we disagree.

让咱们假设一个咱们不相同意的状况。Let us imagine a hypothetical case wITe we disagree.

让我们假设一个我们不同意的状况.Let's imagine a hypothetical case where we disagree.

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非默认加密类型的设置Hypothetical setup involving a non-default encryption type.

这是个虚构的公司,所以我可以随意作假设There's no such company, so I can be completely hypothetical.

这是一个假设的新策略可能如何运行的例子。This is a hypothetical example of how a new approach might work.

然而,福尔克承认自己的解释仍然带有假定的成分。Yet Falk concedes that her interpretation is still hypothetical.

第二个问题是一个假设性问题,我现在无法回答。Your second question is a hypothetical one, which I cannot answer.

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这里有一个假设的情景来匡助你考虑你的决定。Here is a hypothetical scenario to consider as you make your decision.

如果你想,你可以把它想象成一个大的假设。If you want to, you could think of this class as one big hypothetical.

我们也会涉及到询问假定的问题和估计大致数字。We’ll also cover asking hypothetical questions and approximating numbers.

假设的等温线模式可以在北极周围观测到。The hypothetical isotherm pattern can be observed around the arctic region.

如果你没有经历过这些,那么这都只是假设性问题。If you’ve never experienced these, then they are just hypothetical questions.

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这幅艺术想象图表现了一颗围绕着冷却恒星的年青行星。This artist's conception shows a hypothetical young planet around a cool star.

这是一种极端假设下的情况,但现实中确有类似的。This is an extreme and hypothetical situation, but it has real-world analogues.

作为一个示例,我将使用水污染测试的一些假定规则。As an example, I will use some hypothetical rules for water contamination testing.