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冰上溜石是国际冰上运动。Curling is a nationwide ice sport.

要一张全国通用的帐户卡Get a Nationwide Flex Account card

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现在,这家公司在全国一共有120个成员。There are 120 members nationwide"."

我们在全国有15个零售点。We have 15 retail outlets nationwide.

牧业税已经在全国范围内废除。The livestock tax has been rescinded nationwide.

我们展开了全国性的造林运动。We have launched a nationwide forestation campaign.

本单位长期全国供应二手设备。汽车吊。装载机。Units of long-term supply of used equipment nationwide.

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一个全国搜捕骚扰儿童的行动告一段落。A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over.

一次对所谓未成年人性骚扰的全国性搜捕运动结束了。A nationwide manhunt for an alleged child molester is over.

现在他们又开始为未婚子女当起了“红娘”,还“红”遍了全国。Now, they're playing matchmakers, and on a nationwide level.

在公布的榜单中,我市的创新能力位列全国县级市第七名。Yiwu is ranked No. 7 among all county-level cities nationwide.

柏林禅寺从1988年恢复建设以来,现已发展成为全国性的大寺。Bailin Temple has developed into a nationwide temple since 1988.

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公共文化服务体系初具规模。A nationwide network of public cultural services has taken shape.

接受赞助商外卡,她参加了纳信怀德巡回赛。Accept the card sponsors, she participated in the Nationwide Tour.

这场音乐会旨在开始全国性的选民登记运动。The concert was to kick off a nationwide voter registration drive.

孟菲斯及全国受到的影响将是长久的。The repercussions will be long-lasting, in Memphis and nationwide.

到2013年,威瑞森公司希望全国都能用上4G。By 2013, Verizon hopes to have the 4G service available nationwide.

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全国有史以来最严重的热浪造成了502人死亡。Record heat throughout the country resulted in 502 deaths nationwide.

该调查的受访者是从全国随机抽取的1097名民众。The poll is based on a random sample of 1,097 respondents nationwide.

但是,敢于胜利,就要过长江。However, to achieve nationwide victory they have to cross the Yangtze.