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BNP旨在发送非白人英国人“家”。The BNP aims to send nonwhite Britons "home."

库切对黑人和有色人种的复杂情感。The second chapter discussed Coetzee's complicated feelings towards the nonwhite.

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对白人、非白人的生活方式的比较与反思。The comparison between the life-style of the white and the life-style of the nonwhite.

从历史上看,白人女性获得核心内阁职位提名的时间早于非白人男性和女性。Historically, white women were named to inner-cabinet positions before nonwhite men and women.

尽管非白人妇女挣得更少,但是白人妇女和其他有色人种妇女之间的差距已在逐渐缩小。Although nonwhite women earn even less, the gap is closing between white women and women of color.

她年轻,是个非裔美国人,因此我想她能够理解作为班上唯一的一个非白种人孩子的我的感想。She was young and African American, so I think she understood how I felt as the only nonwhite kid.

结果表明,非美国本土出生、非白种人的被调查对象更有可能成立新的公司。The results show that foreign-born, nonwhite respondents were more likely to found new organizations.

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在这一部分中,库切探讨了其对黑人及有色人种的复杂情感。According to the author, Coetzee's complicated feelings towards the nonwhite are manifested in two aspects.

死亡前行CPR患者的比率随时间增长,且有色人种比率更高。The proportion of patients undergoing in-hospital CPR before death increased over time and was higher for nonwhite patients.

地铁里更多非白人的面孔,而且很多的脸孔普遍看起来似乎不快乐,或者,这只是我的想像?There were more nonwhite faces of the Metro, and generally, many of the faces seemed less cheerful, or was that just my imagination?

这种变化表明,在17年的时间里,白人男子的死亡率增加到2.2倍,非白人男子增加到3倍。The changes reveal, over the 17-year period, a 2.2-fold increase in mortality rates for white males and a 3-fold increase for nonwhite males.

这看来够清楚了吧,但当非白人祖先是祖辈或曾祖辈,少数种族血统越来越稀释时,情况又变得微妙起来。That seemed clear enough, but things got tricky when the nonwhite ancestor was a grandparent or a great-grandparent and the minority blood became increasingly diluted.

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关于癌症和健康的会议建议非白种女人在接受癌症治疗后享受比白种女人少的社会援助。New information presented during a conference on cancer and health disparities suggest nonwhite women receive less social support than white women after cancer treatment.

同样的信念使那些代表了新英格兰精神的现代典范,如Punahou和哈佛法学院,推动了接受更多非精英家庭出身和非白人学生的潮流。That same faith led more modern representatives of the New England spirit to promote the admission of increasing numbers of nonelite and nonwhite students to schools like Punahou and Harvard Law.

值得注意的是较年轻的患者更可能是非白种人男性,较年轻的患者还更可能原发肿瘤在头颈部,且局部或远端转移。Younger patients were significantly more likely to be male and nonwhite. Younger patients were also more likely to present with head and neck primary tumors and with regional or distant metastases.