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侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实旳审计报告旳行为。The tort is the behavior that the CPA mendacious audit statement.

那个好说谎的乞丐在每家说不同的悲哀故事。The mendacious beggar told a different tale of woe at every house.

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侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实的审计报告的行为。The tort is the behavior that the CPA provides mendacious audit statement.

大量的虚假会计信息的事实也说明我国审计服务市场存在失灵现象。So much mendacious accounting information explains that there is ineffective in China.

这种由不对称信息导致的道德风险,是我国股票市场虚假信息披露存在的原因之一。That moral hazard is one of the reasons causing mendacious disclosures in our stock markets.

我国对名人代言虚假广告是否承担法律责任目前尚无明文规定。There is no provision about the legal responsibility of celebrity advertising mendacious ads in our country.

人们记得的将是他不切实际的金融政策、信口开河的允诺,或许还有他对评估机构的干预。Then Mr Brown will be remembered for fantasy finances, mendacious promises and perhaps the intervention of the ratings agencies.

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其中,让人劳作和使他兴奋的一切都在利用希望,因此,唯一不与欺骗的思想则是缺乏想象的思想。Everything that makes man work and get excited utilizes hope. The sole thought that is not mendacious is therefore a sterile thought.

我国社会主义市场经济发展至今,虚假广告已泛滥成灾。During the process of developing the socialistic market economy system in our country, a variety of mendacious advertisements have turned into overrun.

虚假财务报告提供的会计信息未能真实反映客观的经济活动,给决策者的相关决策带来不利影响。Mendacious financial reports can not reflect the economic activities objectively, which have brought negative effect on the decision-maker in the business.

使用自己的真名后,人们还是可能会撒谎或进行无谓的攻击,但只要他们想到自己的朋友或同事可能会读到自己的言论,这么做的可能性就会降低。People can be mendacious and needlessly offensive using their own names, but they are less likely to be if they think their friends and colleagues might read what they say.

一些人承认,没能发现大量的新信息是由于关键证人的虚假的沉默和审判者的胆怯。Some reckon its failure to unearth masses of new information is down to a mix of mendacious reticence on the part of key witnesses and the pusillanimity of their inquisitors.

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一句话,轻松地翻转了历史,没有解释,也没有道歉,更别提对他自己过去的宣传文字和组织那些虚假展览有任何愧疚。One line, and a history is effortlessly turned, no explanation, no apology, let alone any sense of shame about his own past propaganda writings and organization of mendacious exhibits.

近几年虚假财务报告中的会计信息失真十分严重,严重干扰了我国市场经济秩序。Distortion of the accounting information in the mendacious financial report is very serious in recent years, which has brought serious disturbance to the market economy's order of our country.

具体到恶意诉讼的类型,可以将其分为滥用起诉权型、滥用防御权型、滥用诉讼程序型、虚假诉讼型、单方欺诈型和重复诉讼型。Malicious litigation can be divided into six types, abusing of the right to sue, abusing of the defensive right, abusing of judicial proceeding, false lawsuits, mendacious suit and repeated suit.