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这一地区出现了大量抢劫事件。There's been a spate of muggings in the area.

大量英语读物开始泛滥发行。A spate of English reading materials began to pour off the presses.

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大量的与此相关的新书详细介绍了其他“灵魂出窍”的事件。A spate of new books details other cases and variations on the theme.

仲夏山溪逢雨迸发,沿嘉道理农场的陡坡奔流而下。A stream, in spate after summer rains, descends through Kadoorie Farm.

一场罢工把破坏了世界工厂的格局。A spate of strikes has thrown a spanner into the workshop of the world.

首尔火车站和江南高速客运站12日接连发生爆炸事件。Seoul Gangnam Express Bus Terminal Station and 12, a spate of bombings.

对于现在很多富人哭穷我感到不解。I have got a problem with the spate of wealthy people now crying poverty.

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与此同时,印度媒体在报道着中国军队一连串的“入侵”。India’s media meanwhile reported a spate of “incursions” by Chinese troops.

这一报道因媒体中出现的大量反华内容而添油加醋。The story was reinforced by a spate of anti-China stories circulating in the media.

奥巴马是在巴格达最近两年最大的一次轰炸之后一天到达的。He arrived one day after the heaviest spate of bombings in Baghdad in almost two years.

如果财力允许,或许失业一阵子会迫使我变得更加主动。Money permitting, maybe a spate of joblessness would jolt me into taking more initiative.

在美国上市的中国公司相继发生审计丑闻,也让投资者更为警惕。A spate of accounting scandals at US-listed Chinese companies has also made investors wary.

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所以我们该如何看待这些世界主要石油公司发出的一连串绿色新宣言呢?So how should we take the spate of new green announcements from the world's major oil firms?

近期,该城市与毒品有关的暴力活动接连发生,警方已经进行了几次逮捕活动。Several arrests have been made following a recent spate of drug-related violence in the city.

周三公布的PMI数据同近期一连串负面数据和公司报告相吻合。Wednesday's PMI data jibes with a recent spate of negative data points and corporate reports.

然而由尖刀和锤子引发的大量死伤却没有因此而停止。Yet a spate of mass killings and injuries by knife or hammer-wielding assailants has continued.

因此,即使眼下经济消息面看来不再那么糟糕,但依然不容乐观。So even if the spate of bad economic news is now looking just a little less bad, it's still bad.

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暴力事件使得难民营的46万多难民越来越感到恐惧。The spate of violence is spreading fear among the more than 460,000 refugees living in the camps.

那份手稿找到以后,接着就是好几名微生物学家的离奇毙命。Following the discovery of the manuscript, a spate of mysterious deaths of microbiologists followed.

我问了好几家,可是他们说那是旧型的,只能去原制造商买。Yes, Several. But they told me that since it's an old model, only the manufacturer sells spate parts.