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末了,有空时在再涂上更多的灰泥。Then, when there is time more plastering.

当然你要注意别贪嘴涂抹过多的花生酱,毕竟它拥有较高的卡路里含量。Just don't gonutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in calories.

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批荡料、墙面抹平料、抹灰砂浆及修补砂浆。Rendering material, wall face leveling material, plastering mortar and repair mortar.

分析计算了橡胶粉砂浆抹面对砌块墙体热工性能的影响。The thermal performance of the wall effected by plastering rubber mortar is analysed.

由此会导致抹灰层表面装饰层的质量事故。Then it will cause the quality accident of the decorative surface on the plastering surface.

立面的其余部分处理手法冷静,涂抹了白色的抹灰并开有设计严谨的窗洞。Rest of the façade has been treated calmly by white plastering and quite rigid window openings.

混合相型粉刷石膏是一种新型理想的墙体及顶棚抹灰材料。The mixed-phase plastering gypsum is a new type ideal plastering material for walls and ceilings.

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这个消息瘫痪了网路,彷佛一个重大启示即将到来似的。The news of this acquisition is plastering the internet as if some great revelation were at hand.

在电影院外面,一个站在梯子上的男人正把一张电影广告贴在旧布告的顶上。Outside the cinema, a man on a ladder was plastering an advertisement for a film on top of the old notice.

一些时装公司将精力浪费在推销上,他们在任何可以移动的东西上涂上他们公司的标志。Some fashion houses squander their hard fought cool rep by plastering a company logo on everything that moves.

介绍一种轻型墙体-砂浆薄壁芯管外抹灰墙体及其施工方法。Out plastering wall with mortar thin walled core tube and its construction method were introduced in the paper.

填补墙面缝隙,然后刷第一遍浆。待第一遍浆干后,刷第二遍浆。Fill up the wall cracks before plastering the first pass. Plaster the second pass after the first pass becomes dry.

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但科学家们最近发现了一个稀有的单居蜂种群,种群里的蜜蜂把花瓣一层层铺起来搭建小窝。But scientists recently discovered a rare, solitary type of bee that makes tiny nests by plastering together flower petals.

巴西、加拿大、新加坡、泰国等国家已经开始在香烟包装上印制警示图片。Countries including Brazil, Canada, Singapore and Thailand have already been plastering picture warnings on cigarette packs.

轻质墙体表面抹灰后,常会出现开裂、脱落等质量事故。For many reasons, there will be quality accident, such as crashing or peeling, after plastering to the light weight wall surface.

楼地面、抹灰面大面积隆起是由粘结层剪力破坏而致。The big area of swelling floor surface and plastering floor result from the destruction of shearing stress from the adhesive layer.

他是行销独行侠,在罗伯逊大街两旁的墙壁上张贴公司的标识及自己的画像。He has become a one-man marketing team, plastering company stickers and pictures of himself on a wall that faces pedestrians on Robertson.

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墙体抹灰产生空鼓、裂缝的原因、提出了具体有效的防治措施。Wall plastering produce hollowing and cracks's reason were analyzed and proposed specific effective prevention and control measures were given.

重点介绍了混凝土质量,轴线定位和垂直度控制,抹灰控制,高级装饰、分包控制,成品保护等控制措施。The paper chiefly introduces the concrete's quality, axes fix and vertical control, plastering control, high grade decoration, product protection, etc.

结果我妈、她的好朋友以及她的好朋友的帅儿子都在里面,讨论下礼拜他家厨房的粉刷问题。Little did I know, my mother, her best friend, and her best friend's hot son were all in the kitchen, talking about him plastering the kitchen next week.