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到目前为止她已经通过了考试。She has passed the exam sofar.

到目前为止,你收到过录用通知书吗?Have you received any offers sofar?

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可能是迄今为止最好的文章。Probably the best article read sofar.

你至今为止学了多少单词?How much words have you learned sofar?

我们来复习至今所学的内容。Let's review what we have learned sofar.

迄今为止,这是该疗法唯一的试验。Sofar this is the only trial of the treatment.

KUN在机会转化率方面是球员的标杆。Sergio Aguero is the benchmark sofar for chance conversion.

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从至今发表的数据来看,导致这些问题的情况还没有出现。Nosigns of such problems have emerged in data released sofar.

主角史蒂芬就是作者乔埃斯,因为他正在解释他自己的人生之谜。Stephen is Joyce in sofar as he is deciphering his own riddle.

迄今为止,最大的分歧在于F-22猛禽隐形战斗机。The biggest disagreement sofar has come over the F-22 Raptor stealth jet.

现在的石膏模型看起来很漂亮,我们期待着尽快看到铝合金的,这种蓝色的石膏泥真是令人惊异!Sofar it looks nice in plaster, and we look forward to see how real it will be in aluminium. That blue plaster stuff is amazing.

其他许多中国的大地震象海城地震一样,也有类似的前兆震群。Many other violent earthquakes sofar occurred in China, similar to the Haicheng earthquake, also had precursory earthquake swarms.

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该机组目前是我国热轧窄带钢轧机中最宽的轧机,是我国第一台全连续窄带钢轧机。It is the widest one in the existing continuous narrow hot strip mills in China. Moreover, it is also the first fully-continuous narrow hot strip mill sofar in the country.

由于表面声道与深海声道间的耦合效应,声波在双轴海洋声道中的传播比较复杂,因此求解双轴海洋声道中的声场就比较困难。Because of the coupling between surface channel and SOFAR channel, sound propagation in two, axis underwater channel is complex and calculation of acoustic fields is difficult.

其他一些州则不太会这样,在别州茶叶党的影响力大到把共和党候选人逼到了如此极右翼的境地,以至于他们会在秋季的选举中面临民主党人的挑战。That's less true in some other states, however, where the tea party's influence could pull Republican candidates sofar to the right that they face difficulty against Democrats in the fallelections.