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萨克岛是根西岛的属地。Sark is a dependency of Guernscy.

这是一个很好的依赖机制。This is a nice dependency mechanism.

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印度过去是英国的附属地。India used to be a dependency of britain.

历史轨迹与路经依赖。Historical trajectory and path dependency.

乔治•蒙比尔特谈英国石油依赖。George Monbiot on Britain's oil dependency.

为依赖注入提供类型安全的方式a typesafe approach to dependency injection

只需在代码中申明依赖关系。You simply state the dependency in the code.

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相依性属性回呼和验证。Dependency Property Callbacks and Validation.

保存依赖关系编辑器,然后关闭它。Save the dependency editor, and then close it.

此外,还可以指定依赖深度。Moreover, you can specify the dependency depth.

在Seam术语中,我们称这个为“依赖双向映射”。In Seam terms, we call this "dependency bijection".

这增加了对服务提供者的依赖。This increases the dependency on service providers.

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它与其进程的优先级没有依赖关系。It has no dependency on the priority of its process.

按两下表示相依性的连结。Double-click the link that represents the dependency.

优化算法的任务调度的依赖?Optimized algorithm to schedule tasks with dependency?

所有这些希腊城市都有乡村附属。So there was a rural dependency on these Greek cities.

你是否使用依赖注入呢?So, do you use Dependency Injection? Do you use a D.I.

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在编写测试时,请务必考虑这一附加的依赖性。Account for this added dependency when you write your tests.

不到一星期,她又转到高护病房。Within a week, she was relocated to the high?dependency ward.

但是,联系要比一个简单的附件更加复杂。However, the linkage is more complex than a simple dependency.