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你忙活些什么?What are you bustling about?

格里姆斯比是一个热闹的渔镇。Grimsby is a bustling fishing town.

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一个满是钱和男人的铁路城镇。A railroad town bustling with money and men.

是繁华都市中休闲与商业的绿洲。An oasis of rest and business in a bustling city.

她忙的不可开交,把手放在围裙上擦了又擦。She came bustling out, wiping her hands on her apron.

置生活于繁华之上,让荣耀成为一种守望。On the bustling life in the home, as a glory to watch.

“你当心点儿,”屈里曼喊起来,逼近她来。"You, be careful, " cried Tremaine, bustling up close.

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那里总是熙熙攘攘,非常非常繁忙。And it's just bustling very, very busy, busy, busy, busy.

舱里人声嘈杂,是一个完全不同的世界。There lied a completely another world, bustling with din.

脱颖于都市繁华,我独有自己的小小宫殿。I have a small palace that is away from the bustling city.

我记得奶奶总是在房子里忙来忙去。I remember my grandmother always bustling about the house.

我放慢脚步,走在这车水马龙繁华街区。Slowing down I walk in this bustling street, heavy traffic.

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今天勐景来的这座佛寺可真够热闹的!What a bustling scene at this Buddhist temple in Mengjinglai!

通常,北京使馆区的雅宝路熙攘繁忙。YABAO ROAD in Beijing’s embassy district is normally bustling.

这一带越来越繁华了。This district is getting more and more prosperous and bustling.

繁华一季的栀子花,落了一地的失落与寞然。Gardenia bustling quarter, down a lonesome land loss and natural.

我飘落在沾染尘世的粉末中,遗留了繁华与孤独。I fall with infected with earthly powder, left bustling and lonely.

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在节日假期,这些在市中心街道是哄闹闹地兴奋。During holidays, these downtown streets are bustling with excitement.

年轻的撒母耳喜欢在这些拥挤、喧闹和用鹅卵石铺的街上漫步。Young samuel loved to roam the crowded bustling cobblestoned streets.

月,可以照亮枕边的梦寐,却编织不了倾城的繁华。Month, can illuminate pillow dream weaving, but not the bustling city.