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榆树大街橡树大街交界处聚众斗殴。"Brawl at Elm and Oak Intersection ".

布莱安和克利斯在小帆船里吵架。Brian and Chris had a brawl in the yawl.

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小河的潺潺声变成了响亮的淙淙声。The tiny murmur of the brook became a loud brawl.

你终于成功地找到了你想要找的人,祝贺你!What did you think when you read about the brawl?

这导致克诺比和费特展开激战。This resulted in a fierce brawl between Kenobi and Fett.

我们可以听到房子后面小坝的哗哗流水声。We could hear the loud brawl of a brook behind the house.

我不希望我们两家吵架吵得不可开交。I don't want to see our two neighbours engaged in a brawl.

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在附近的房子里都能听到街上的争吵声。The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby.

附近的房子都可以听到街上的争吵声。The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby.

那些年轻人除了在街上打架外没更好的事干。The young men had nothing better to do than brawl in the streets.

一天上午,两个巴姨在走廊里打了起来。One morning a brawl broke out between the two Bais on the verandah.

这场球场上的争吵已被提起控诉。And charges have been filed in connection with this bench -clearing brawl.

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酒馆乱斗将不会某名奇妙损失玩家的经验。Players should no longer experience ethereality issues after a tavern brawl.

但是现在,我们用水只要一开水龙头,水便哗哗哗的流个不停。But now, we just opened the tap water, water will flow non-stop brawl uproar.

但是崔时俊却不同意这门婚事,与父亲争吵起来。But Cui Shijun does not agree with this marriage however, with father brawl rises.

早已潜伏好的萨家武装权力与刀锋等三人交火,一场殊死格斗。Already latent good pizza house armed power and blade trio fighting and a bloody brawl.

共和党的人问题是他们厌恶不成体统的政治上的争斗。The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl.

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“多次聚众斗殴”是犯罪特征,要求每次斗殴行为都构成犯罪。Affraying frequently is a criminal characteristics, requires every brawl acts constitute a crime.

很多西方人和亚洲人喜欢开着高分贝的摇滚乐来举行午夜聚会。一些人甚至醉酒,打架。Many Westerners and Asians hold late-night parties with loud rock music. Some get drunk and brawl.

上个月,在一次特别严重的群殴事件后,中央电视台终止了对联赛的转播。Last month, state television stopped broadcasts of league games after a particularly serious brawl.