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我变得很空虚又很黏人。I got all needy ad clingy.

而心理上的粘乎乎则更糟糕。But being psychologically clingy iseven worse.

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而心理上的粘乎乎则更糟糕。But being psychologically clingy is even worse.

就黏人的孩子的本性而言,他们有点胆小和焦虑。Clingy kids are by nature a bit more timid and anxious.

他们和喜欢依恋的可人女生和喜好支配的女强人绝对相处不好。They cannot ever get along with clingy or dominating women.

这次赴汤蹈火之战,将三颗狂野的心紧贴一处。This formidable battle, will threes wild heart clingy one place.

有没有想过为什们你一有了伴侣,就会变得粘人?Ever wondered why you become clingy as soon as you have a partner?

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细丝是最典型的弹性的液体,例如凝胶。Clingy strands are typical of similarly elastic fluids, such as mucus.

焦虑型的人经常被贬以“黏人”、“空虚”、“绝望”Anxious people are often stigmatized as clingy and needy and desperate.

为了避免这种不快的情感体验,他也许会开始变得缠人而且极具依赖性。To avoid feeling this way, he might start becoming very clingy and needy.

你那学龄前的孩子是很黏人的,让你没有时间离开她的时限范围之外。Your preschooler is clingy and has a tough time letting you out of her sight.

现在他非常缠人,不过没关系,因为接下来他要跟我呆上好几个月。He snow very clingy which is OK because he ll be with me for the next few months.

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两腿同时先向右侧,尽量涉及床面,背部紧贴着床。Two legs and right, try to involve first to bed face, back is clingy implantation.

霍姆斯对这个善变又死缠烂打的女人保持了警惕,并只同意电话交流。Leery of this unstable, clingy woman, Ms Homes agrees to speak only on the telephone.

孩子突然变得过于粘人,或者不能让你走出他的视线。Clinginess . Your child suddenly becomes excessively clingy or won't let you out of sight.

“回到家后有几个月的时间,我觉得事情变得不同”Moss说,“我变了,我的家庭也有些改变,我注意到我的孩子们对我更加依赖。I had changed, and my family was a little different. I noticed that my children were clingy.

今季裤子较硬朗豪爽,修身剪裁但并非紧贴身躯。Today season trousers is haler and forthright, clipping of cultivate one's morality but be not clingy body.

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这两种星座都享受独立,因而他们了解对方的需求,都不会太黏人。Both of these signs enjoy their independence, so they understand each other's needs, and no one will be clingy.

现在独立的男人想要粘人的女子来衬托他的男子气概,并在他的朋友面前肯定他的吸引力。Independent man now wants a clingy woman to endorse his manliness and confirm his desirability in front of his mates.

宽松,苗条,贴身,披垂或者任何适合你和你身型但不显得过紧的衣饰是最好的。Loose, slightly clingy or drapey things are best, or else things that just fit you and your shape well but not tight.