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向善的强力改造动能来自对我们的内心,而非顺应讨喜的环境。The power of effecting changes for the better is within ourselves, not in the favorableness of circumstances.

私家车交通是经济发展到一定阶段的必然趋势,有利有弊。It is a necessary tendency for private cars when the economy is developing at some phases, with some favorableness and harmness.

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本次工作表明GIS成矿有利度评价是一种有效的区域成矿预测的新方法。This work indicates that appraisal of ore-forming favorableness based on GIS is a new effective method in Ore-forming prognosis.

并且分析了公园各个景区旅游环境载力的有利度,提出了旅游调控措施。Furthermore, the research analyzed favorableness of five scenery areas in the park and presented methods about tourist controlling.

本文以云南省为例分析茶马古道旅游开发的优劣势,探讨对策和措施。This paper analyzes the favorableness and unfavorableness of developing the ATHR in Yunnan tourism resources and presents some approaches.

采取问卷调查方式,对1200名成都市大学生进行快餐喜好程度的调查。We have conducted an investigation of the favorableness for fast food by organizing an inquiry poll among 1200 college students in Chengdu.

解封后,李辉在不到两个星期的时间里就提走了三百多万现金,随后案情急转直下,公安机关办案人员一屁股坐到李辉一边。After the release, Li Hui cashed over 3 million RMB from The Company within less than two weeks, and the case tuned to favorableness to Li Hui.

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我愿对你承诺,从今天开始,无论是顺境或是逆境,富有或贫穷,健康或疾病,我将永远爱你、珍惜你直到地老天长。I'm willing to promise you from now on, no matter in favorableness or adversity, wealthy or poor, healthy or ailing, I'll love you forever, cherish you in all my lifetime.

针对品种退化,从生产与管理两方面提出了相应的防止品种退化,改善大丽花生长发育条件的有利措施。Aim at deterioration of breed, put forward the relative and favorableness measures of preventing deteriorating and improve growth condition of Dahlia in aspect of yield and manage.

研究训练设备,保障训练工作的安全开展和参训公安民警的身体健康刻不容缓。Therefore, no delay should be allowed in developing drilling devices characterized by safety in undertaking the task and favorableness to the health of the participating policemen and policewomen.