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您可以放置一个诡雷在泰矿柱上。You can plant a Booby Trap on a Tiberium Spike.

根本没有泰矿的解毒剂,神化就等于死亡。There is no antidote for Tiberium. Divination is death.

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你可以通过泰矿扫描来找到未占领的地区。You can find unoccupied fields via Tiberium Vibration Scan.

最近的研究发现了另一种蓝色泰伯利亚的新形态。A recent discovery has revealed another form of blue Tiberium.

建造T矿精炼厂,并让他面对最近的T矿矿区。Build Refinery, place it down facing the nearest Tiberium Field.

所有车辆的生命形式也有自我修复和愈合的泰伯利亚。All vehicle is life form too have self healing and heal in tiberium.

两队机枪兵应该保护游戏玩家你的矿柱免受蜂群的袭击。The 2 Riflemen should protect your Tiberium Spike from Buzzer attacks.

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在1.09版里摧毁蓝色泰矿会是游戏玩家你的对手变得非常不利。Destroying the Blue Tiberium in patch 1.09 can be very bad for your opponent.

隐形场,泰矿蒸汽炸弹与催化导弹也是非常有效的。The Cloaking Field, Tiberium Vapor Bomb and Catalyst Missile are also effective.

我们必须在这场泰伯利亚浩劫摧毁我们的世界之前弄懂和控制泰伯利亚。We must understand and control this Tiberium plague before it consumes our world.

但是根据越来越多的警告显示,脉洞跟绿色或蓝色的泰伯利亚不太一样。Similar to the crystalline forms, Tiberium veins spread, but at a much more alarming rate.

其中之一就是超级充能粒子束,此外再就是泰核导弹。One of them being Super Charged Particle Beams, and the other being Tiberium Core Missiles.

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塔西佗是源,斯拉维克。它蕴含的泰伯利亚秘密能开创或破灭帝国!The Tacitus is the source, Slavik. Its Tiberium secrets can make or break empires! Find it.

偶听说如果用泰矿充能,它会减低那块泰矿得价值,但是不确定。I heard that it makes a Tiberium patch less valuable, if you charge it at one, but I am not sure.

我听说假如用泰矿充能,它会减低那块泰矿的价值,但是不确定。I heard that it makes a Tiberium patch less valuable, if you charge it at one , but I am not sure.

假如游戏玩家你碰到影队快攻,尽快移动游戏玩家你的MCV到蓝矿去。If you happen to get Shadow Team rushed, move your MCV toward the blue tiberium as soon as possible.

这里有几种形态各异的,较为常见的泰伯利亚的情报。There are several forms of Tiberium and each has its own unique method for spreading across the planet.

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只是要时刻游戏玩家你的矿车,避免它们逛到敌人控制的矿区去。Try to keep an eye on your harvesters to prevent them from wandering towards an enemy held tiberium field.

他们说我说不上来奇克马特,泰伯利亚战争和红警三里面最受欢迎的几幅地图。They said that I can't name two out of the three most loved maps from Generals, Tiberium Wars and Red Alert 3.

它采矿的模式是这样的,先停在一块泰矿上,向前移动一点,然后开始采矿。It has a tendency to stop on a Tiberium patch, move forward a bit, and then start harvesting the Tiberium patch.