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夹竹桃具有长叶子。The Oleander has long leaves.

我从此更爱夹竹桃。I love oleander more from now on.

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许多人很高兴认识夹竹桃。Many people happily recognize oleander.

我特别喜欢月光下的夹竹桃。I especially like the oleander in moonlight.

大红花,杜鹃和夹竹桃是一些常见的灌木。The Hibiscus, Azalea and Oleander are some common shrubs.

教学楼门口的白色夹竹桃,据说是有毒的!White oleander outside my classroom building. It is said to be poisonous!

这是沐浴在花卉的浪潮夹竹桃和纯,甜,密集的茉莉花。It is bathed in floral waves of oleander and pure, sweet, intensive jasmine.

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但是夹竹桃的妙处还不止于此。Nevertheless, the wonder of oleander is not confined to its toughness alone.

我伸手到栏外,就可以抓到夹竹桃的顶枝。I stretched my hands out of the fence and could pitched the top of the oleander.

从春天到夏天我们都能看到夹竹桃。夹竹桃全身都有毒。We can see them from spring to autumn. The whole plant of the Oleander is poisonous.

我伸手到栏外,就可以抓到夹竹桃的顶枝。I could catch the top branch of oleander if I stretched my hand out from the railing.

不像其他植物那样,仅仅是花或树液有毒,夹竹桃的每个部分都是有毒的。Every bit of the oleander plant is toxic, unlike the case for other plants where just the flower or sap might be poisonous.

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但南加州的官员报告,最近有人在赛马的饮料中添加了夹竹桃,使得20多匹马中毒。But officials in Southern California say someone recently poisoned more than 20 show horses by mixing oleander in their feed.

但在南加州官员说,最近有人中毒的混合饲料夹竹桃显示超过20匹马。But officials in Southern California say someone recently poisoned more than 20 show horses by mixing oleander in theirfeadfeed.

但是,南加利福尼亚的一位官员报告近期有个人通过在饲料里混杂夹竹桃而毒倒了超过20匹参加评选赛的马。But officials in Southern California say someone recently poisoned more than twenty show horses by mixing oleander in their feed.

要是误食了夹竹桃,婴幼儿即会出现呕吐、腹痛、昏迷等种种急性中毒症状。If fed oleander by accident, the infant can appear namely vomiting, bellyache, insensible wait for a variety of virulent poisoning symptoms.

本论文采用索式提取法,以不同提取溶剂,提取了所取臭椿和夹竹桃内含活性成分,并对其做了初步的检测。In this paper, used cable-type extraction method, extracted Ailanthus altissima and oleander containing the active ingredient in different solvents, and preliminary tested its extract components.

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与其它植物只是枝叶或者树液具有毒性不同的是,夹竹桃的每一个部位都有毒,哪怕只是不小心吸入了一点焚烧夹竹桃产生的烟雾,也会带来不适。Every bit of the oleander plant is toxic, unlike the case for other plants where just the flower or sap might be poisonous. Even accidental inhalation of the smoke from burning oleander is a problem.