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达文波特说。“Bloody hell!” said Davenport.

加根由克莱尔·达文波特扮演。Gargan was played by Claire Davenport.

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16岁时在达文波特的一家麦当劳得到了一份工作。At age 16 he got a job at McDonald's in Davenport.

达文波特是1996年亚特兰大奥运会女单金牌获得者。Davenport won the singles at the Atlanta Games in 1996.

“培养具有同情心和换位思考能力的经理人不能寄希望于学校,”达文波特说。"You can't send a manager to empathy school, " Davenport says.

下面就是跟芭莉·戴芬波特关于如何发掘自身热情的访问。So here is the Barrie Davenport interview on How to Discover Your Passion.

他的妻子艾米莉边听边记作为其建设的达文波特在把它拆开。His wife Emily took notes as to its construction as Davenport took it apart.

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文波特玛丽·尔斯击球猛,但移动速却敌威廉斯姊妹。Davenport and Mary Pierce hit the ball hard but can't move like the Williamses.

达文波特说,最有效的管理方式是“后台管理”。Davenport describes the most effective style of leading as "offstage management."

我记得,戴文波特先生。大部分的设计是我做的。有什么问题吗?I remember, Mr. Davenport. I did most of the design work. Are there any problems?

这位俄罗斯天才少女从美国选手达文波特手中抢过了世界女子职业网球协会头号女单的宝座。The Russian teen had taken over the WTA Tour's No. 1 ranking from Lindsay Davenport.

针对这一情况,达文波特和哈丁为中层管理者提出了几项改良措施。In response, Davenport and Harding have proposed several changes in how middle managers should operate.

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“导演创造一个良好的环境,而自身却退居幕后,让每个人在其中自由地发挥,”达文波特说。"The director creates an environment for everyone to succeed and then steps out of the way, "Davenport says.

她鼓励克莱奥。麦迪逊和多罗西。达文波特执导,并在1914年雇佣弗朗西斯。马里昂作为她的徒弟。She encouraged Cleo Madison and Dorothy Davenport to direct and hired Frances Marion as her protegee in 1914.

他自信地表示,从1998年达汶波特审结的案件裁定裸体舞蹈是一种艺术来看,这一举止仍是合法的行为。He expressed confidence that nude dancing would remain legal, referring to a 1998 case in Davenport that found it an art.

达文波特说,中层管理者将工作重点转移到管理上,思科公司也因此提高了整体生产效率,留住了许多普通员工和经理人。By having managers focus on managing, Cisco boosted its productivity and retained managers and staff longer, Davenport says.

大四学生大卫格温来自罗利毕业于Enloe高中,他说这个主意是好友萨拉·达文波特想出来的。Elon senior David Gwynn, who is from Raleigh and went to Enloe High School, said the idea was the brainchild of Sarah Davenport.

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美国衣阿华州中东部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口08,75。A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 08,75.

美国衣阿华州中东部西达河上达文堡西北偏西一城市。是重要的商业、工业和交通运输中心。人口108,751。A city of east-central Iowa on the Cedar River west-northwest of Davenport. It is a major commercial, industrial, and transportation center. Population, 108,751.

而现在,阿加西只能同另外两名美国名将桑普拉斯与达文波特一道,成为罗兰加洛丝赛场上另一个被淘汰的种子选手。Now, Agassi joins Pete Sampras and Lindsay Davenport as just another high-profile American upset victim on the clay of Roland Garros 2000, another seeded victim.