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银行会出一个评估报告,但却很粗略。The bank will do an appraisal , but it will be a cursory one.

我忙得不可开交,所以只把这本书大略看了一下.My hands were full, so I just gave the book a cursory reading.

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实际上,即便你的简历本身,也最多能让招聘人员粗略地看上一眼而已。Indeed, your resume itself may get no more than a cursory glance.

这样粗疏的规定在实践中是难以操作的。The cursory provisions are still difficult to operate in practice.

从表面看,李青关注的内容都在中国的日常生活经验之内。A cursory glance shows Li's works to be about his experience of daily life.

甚至只是对于土星的卫星土卫八粗略地一瞥,也足以表露出它的古怪。EVEN a cursory glance at Saturn's moon Iapetus reveals it to be an oddball.

即使最马虎的观察者也会发现,教育推动了中国的发展。But it is obvious to even the most cursory observer that education drives China.

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二是所签合同不规范、不完整,简单草率。It is an autograph the contract is not non-standard, complete, simple and cursory.

遗憾的是,由于时间的限制,我们也只能是走马看花。Unfortunately, due to the time reason, we can only be a cursory looking at flowers.

大多数的巴巴里人都是业余的战士。Most of the Berbers were amateur fighters, but some had received at least cursory training.

这只是两个机会改善我们审查发现粗粗的运动。These were just two opportunities for improvement we found in a cursory review of the campaign.

这些选项对于发现损坏是必须的,而这些损坏在粗略检查过程中不易被发现。This option may be necessary to uncover corruption that's not obvious in a cursory examination.

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即使粗略的浏览一下医学期刊,就会发现很多前卫的研究一个个的倒在路边。Even a cursory glance at medical journals shows that once heralded studies keep falling by the wayside.

如果你像我一样的话,第一件要做的事就是先浏览一下这个网站,然后在脑海中做一些粗略的记录。If you’re like me, the first thing you’ll do is take a look at the site and make some cursory mental notes.

一些必备的理论,我设法掌握一些皮毛的知识,只要我知道在对话中用对了就行了。With certain theories, I try to get a cursory knowledge — to understand what's apropos in the conversation.

它的抓钻设计贯穿整个手部,不会只呈现几个抓钻就草草了事。It is designed to drill throughout the grasping hands, will not only show a few drills on the cursory grasp.

有个人匆匆忙忙的介绍了一遍规则就开始了,我一贯如此得拿到了四个人中的第四名。Someone offered a cursory explanation of the rules, and I duly proceeded to come fourth out of four players.

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这位周游世界的约克郡人对这里的印象并不好,因此只在他的日记中寥寥数语一带而过。The globe-trotting Yorkshireman didn't think much of it, dismissing it with a few cursory lines in his journal.

哪怕随便扫一眼这几天英超和西甲的战况,也可以找到足够的事实佐证。Even a cursory glance at the results in England and Spain over the past few days would provide evidence of this.

介绍了少机架限动芯棒连轧管机组的独特优点,并对其孔型设计进行了初步探讨。Presented in the paper are the unique advantages of the said MPM and a cursory review on groove design of the mill.