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那就是某人的封地,而它是印度最腐败的组织之一了。That is a fiefdom operated by one person and one of the most corrupt organizations working in India.

商洛市位于陕西东南部,是历史上商鞅的封地。Shangluo Municipality Perched on the southeast of Shaanxi, historically it was the fiefdom of Sang Yang, a reformer.

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凭借着对波士顿地区选民的影响力,帕特里克的人气大大提升。With the power to deliver the voters of this fiefdom to Boston's Democratic party machine, Patrick's advance was spectacular.

没开玩笑吧?那就是某人的封地,而它是印度最腐败的组织之一了。L&T? you must be kidding. That is a fiefdom operated by one person and one of the most corrupt organizations working in India.

在忠诚于什叶派领袖萨德尔的萨德尔城的游击队领地,一个小商店的门被子弹打得千疮百孔。Bullet holes mark a door of a small shop in Sadr City, the fiefdom of the Madhi Army militia, loyal to Shi'ite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

在中国的大战上,中国互联网如同一个黑箱子,几乎不可能知道谁在保护用户,谁又只是在保护自己的领地。In the blackbox of the Chinese Internet, it's almost impossible to know who is protecting users and who is just protecting their fiefdom.

孔子的父亲叔梁纥是有名的武士,建过两次战功,并拥有自己的封地。Confucius was from a warrior family. His father Shulianghe was a famous warrior who had military exploits in two battles and owned a fiefdom.

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但是对一个英国商人冒险家家族来说,早在150年前,他们把几座岛屿当成自己的封地来经营时,这个梦想就已经实现了。But, for a family of British merchant adventurers, the dream became a reality when they ran a group of islands as a private fiefdom for 150 years.

从四月到七月,实际上每个黎明,他们都宣告彼此的地界,至少据我推测,也承认向我租借了土地。Indeed at every daybreak from April to July they proclaim their boundaries to each other, and so acknowledge, at least by inference, their fiefdom to me.

政治和经济双重利益的诱惑导致卿大夫把作为世禄的采邑和土地作为叛乱之资。Political and the economical dual benefit enticement causes minister doctor takes as the hereditary laurels fiefdom and the land capital of the rebellion.