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考拉在树干上休息。A kola is resting on the trunk.

这个小科拉木偶是一个好主意。The little kola puppet is a great idea.

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浮选操作法用于佛罗里达磷矿和科拉磷矿。Flotation is used for Florida and Kola rock.

可可豆、杏仁和可乐果都是树木的种子。Cocoa beans, almonds and kola nuts are tree products.

实际上我住在俄罗斯北海岸的科拉半岛。I live, in fact , near North Coastline of Russia, Kola Peninsula.

澳大利亚不仅有举世闻名的袋鼠、考拉,还有着多如白云的羊群。Australia has not only famous kangaroo, Kola Bear, but cloud liked sheep as well.

它是来自自然界里的咖啡豆,茶,可可豆,可乐果和大量的其他植物原料。It's naturally found in coffee beans, tea, cacao seeds, kola nuts and dozens of other plants.

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其网站上拥有彩色图片的古柯,豆蔻和科拉坚果,连同其他关键的“天然”成分。Its website boasts colorful pictures of coca, cardamom and Kola nuts, along with other key "natural" ingredients.

可乐类饮料含有从可乐里中提取的咖啡因,是惟一一种既清凉又能提神的软饮料。Cola-drinks contain caffeine from the kola nut and are the only soft drinks which are stimulating as well as refreshing.

可乐里面没有可卡因,并且从未有过,尽管它使用古柯叶和可可果作为调料和刺激成本。There's no cocaine in Coke, and technically there never was, though it uses coca leaves and kola nuts as flavorings and stimulants.

富含维他命的澳洲坚果油能防止水分流失,同时积雪草萃取精华有助于刺激胶原蛋白的生长从而紧实皮肤润泽肤色。Vitamin-rich macadamia oil protects against moisture loss and gotu kola extract stimulates collagen production to firm and tone the skin.

这款柔和的防晒乳含有抗炎的科拉坚果提取物和无药醇,关键成分洋甘菊具有舒缓肌肤的作用。This gentle formula contains Kola Nut Extract for its anti-inflammatory properties and Bisabalol, the key ingredient in Chamomile, for its soothing benefits.

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在其严重程度,损害的科拉半岛等于环境灾难所造成的萨德伯里镍和铜冶炼厂在加拿大安大略省。In terms of its severity, the damage in the Kola Peninsula equals the environmental catastrophe caused by the Sudbury nickel and copper smelters in Ontario, Canada.

比如斯堪的纳维亚各国,在这里很容易找到欧洲大陆核心的岩石露头,在俄罗斯的西部,科拉半岛也可以找到这样的地点。Like the Scandinavian countries, were exposed portions of this European continental core is easily found and in the western part of Russia, like on the Kola Peninsula.

已知的成分,至今可口可乐是水,咖啡因,磷酸,香草,各种油类和本质和提取古柯叶和可乐果。The known ingredients in present day Coca-Cola are water, caffeine, phosphoric acid, vanilla, various oils and essences and extracts of the coca leaf and the kola nut.

拉普兰欧洲最北部的一地区,包括挪威北部、瑞典和芬兰以及苏联西北部的科拉半岛。这个地区大部分在北极圈之内。A region of extreme northern Europe including northern Norway, Sweden, and Finland and the Kola Peninsula of northwest U. S. S. R. It is largely within the Arctic Circle.

十大功劳、金盏花、积雪草和百里香萃取净化肌肤并缩紧毛孔,同时透明质酸补充水份、芦荟镇静肌肤,帮助改善干燥和疼痛。Mahonia, calendula, gotu kola and thyme extracts cleanse the skin and tighten pores, whilst hydrating hyaluronic acid and soothing aloe vera help combat dryness and irritation.

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1941年10月,科拉半岛萨拉附近的一片沼泽地,德国士兵正在推一辆马拉车。German soldiers move a horse-drawn vehicle over a coduroy road while crossing a wetland area, in October 1941, near Salla on Kola Peninsula, a Soviet-occupied region in northeast Finland.

清爽但滋润,含净化玫瑰和滋润野玫瑰果,加上姜、积雪草提取物和金盏草属可助肌肤细胞再生,修补破损微丝血管及亮泽肌肤。A light but nourishing cream with purifying Rose and Nourishing Rose hipblended with ginger, gotu kola and marigold to promote cell regeneration, reduce broken capillaries and make the skin glow.