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倾斜的公园,巨大的灾难The sloping park, great calamity

灾祸是吾人真正的试金石。Calamity is man's true touch stone.

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噢大祸临头了这下可有生路?Oh, calamity , is there no way out?

灾祸连年。Calamity occurs in successive years.

这些对欧洲银行来说将是一个灾难。This would be a calamity for European banks.

把雪橇拖进泥塘里,害得我们糟了殃。Pull a sled into the mud, so we worse calamity.

一些影片则对灾难采取了嘻笑轻松的处理手法。Some are taking a lighter approach to calamity.

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最近南方的洪水是一场灾难。The recent flooding in the south was a calamity.

偷袭珍珠港是一次具有毁灭性的遭难。The attack on Pearl Harbor am a crushing calamity.

虽然造成灾难的可能性很小,可是为什么要去冒险呢?But even if the odds of calamity are small, why gamble?

不幸与荣幸都是朴重的试金石。Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity.

可怜与荣幸都是正直的试金石。Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of integrity.

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难道战争的祸害不大于暴动的灾难吗?Is war less of a scourge than an uprising is of a calamity?

夏威夷州承受不起任何打击,那无异于一场灾难。The state can ill afford anything approximating a calamity.

就我来说,七月二十日事件完全是大祸临头。For me, the july twentieth affair was in every way a calamity.

那次地震是全国有史以来最严重的灾殃。The earthquake was the worst calamity in the country's history.

煤矿矸石山喷爆,是煤矿生产中常见的一种灾害。Spray explosion of gangue hill is a common calamity in coal mine.

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他死于1892年,他的死亡被看做是举国的不幸。He died in 1892, his death being considered as a national calamity.

他死于1892年,他的逝世被认为是举国的不幸。He died in 1892, his death being considered as a national calamity.

乡民的婚丧、居住等习俗也受到自然灾害的严重影响。Villagers residence custom was also influenced by natural calamity.