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你的挂号证。Your registration card.

这也在注册项里?。That's on the registration?

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什么是试验注册?What is trial registration?

这是您的登记卡。This is your registration card.

打扰了,这里是注册处吗?Excuse me, is this registration?

这儿是挂号处吗?Is this the registration office?

不需要交纳注册费。No registration fee is required.

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请交挂号费。Please pay for the registration.

登记费是多少?How much is the registration fee?

不需要注册费。Registration fee is not necessary.

为什么你没有车牌号?。Why had you no registration number?

营利事业登记证。Profit-making business registration.

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不开放站点注册。Site registration has been disabled.

在那之后,登记费用会上涨。After that, registration prices go up.

能不能把户口本让我看看?May I see your household registration.

给我看你的驾驶证和行车证。Show me your license and registration.

请填这张登记卡。Fill up this registration card, please.

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注册码必须全都是数字。Registration Number must be all digits.

获得注册号意味着什么?What does the registration number mean?

你需要填写登记卡。You need to fill out registration card.