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超级块结构表示一个文件系统。The superblock is a structure that represents a file system.

它链接下面讨论的超级块结构。This links to the superblock structure, which I'll explore next.

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超级块或者分区表可能被破坏。Either the superblock or the partition table is likely to be corrupt!

在磁盘上,超块向内核提供关于磁盘上的文件系统的结构的信息。On disk, the superblock provides information to the kernel on the structure of the file system on disk.

每个大街区包含学校,公园和许多位于停车场附近的辅助建筑。Each superblock contains schools, parks and a number of subsidiary groups of houses built around parking lots.

超级块通常存储在存储媒体上,但是如果超级块不存在,也可以实时创建它。The superblock is typically stored on the storage medium but can be created in real time if one doesn't exist.

在一篇有关文章的第一部分中,小哈里森•S•福雷克尔表达了他对与天津市的现实生活格格不入的超大社区设计的关注。In the first of two articles, Harrison S. Fraker Jr. expresses his concern over superblock designs at odds with the reality of city life in Tianjin.

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下一步是RAID超级块将会被写到设备上,使用比仅仅物理分区更高层级的标记。What is going to happen is that the RAID superblock is going to be written on the devices, marking them with a higher order hierarchy than just physical partitions.

早晨,当你眼中布满血丝地起床凝视那灰蒙蒙的拂晓时,你会看到目之所及之处皆有密密麻麻的超大型建筑正在兴建。When you stagger red-eyed out of bed to peer into the murky dawn, you will see rank upon serried rank of raw "superblock" developments, a mile apart, marching into the distance.

动态二进制翻译由于拥有代码缓存、本地执行、代码块链接、动态热路径生成等优化技术的支持,有着很高的性能。Binary translation has a good performance because of the support of techniques such as code caching, native code execution, code block linking, dynamic hot-path superblock generation, etc.