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若可撤销,则谁可以撤销或修改此信讬?。If Revocable , by whom is Trust Revocable or Amendable?

创建一个可取消的信托并且用地产中的个人资产为其提供资金。Create a revocable trust and fund it with the assets in your estate.

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所有支付均为酌情支付,无附加条件且将来几年可撤销。Any payments are discretionary, non-binding and revocable for future years.

如无该项表示,信用证应视作是可撤销的。In the a ence of such indication, the credit shall be deemed to be revocable.

如无该项表示,信用证应视作是可撤销的。In the absence of such indication, the Credit shall be deemed to be revocable.

循环跟单信用证可以是可撤销的或不可撤销的,金额循环的或时间循环的。The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable.

因为“曼企帕地荷”式“遗命”既然相当于“遗嘱人”财产的完全的让与,它是不能撤销的。As it amounted to a conveyance out-and-out of the Testator's estate, it was not revocable.

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今年你是否购买了任何需要转入可撤回生前信托的东西?Did you buy anything this year that needs to be transferred to your revocable living trust?

尽管有契约支付的请求,但是选任是随时可以撤销的。The appointment is revocable at any time, notwithstanding the claim to contractual payment.

首次将可信方引入可分电子现金系统的研究,给出一个可撤消匿名性的可分电子现金系统。An anonymity revocable divisible e cash system is firstly presented with the introduction of a Trustee.

首先它是随时可撤销的,而且运营者是他的儿子和他的首席财务官。First it is revocable at any time, and it is his son and his chief financial officer who are running it.

当然,对于无效和可撤销的调解协议也应当提供必要的救济。It is necessary to provide the relief in accordance with null void and revocable reconciliation agreement.

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循环跟单信用证可以是可撤销的或不可撤销的,金额循环的或时间循环的。The revolving documentary credit may be revocable or irrevocable, and may revolve in relation to time or value.

“可撤销的”或“不可撤消的”信用证与开证银行责任有关。Letter of credit, which may be either "revocable" or "irrevocable", relates to the liability of the issuing bank.

可撤销信托就是一种受托人拥有财产而委托人保留撤销受托人资格的权利的信托。A revocable trust is one in which assets are owned by the trustee, but the settlor reserves a power of revocation.

在您帐户中由于遗嘱,可撤销安养信托或其它法律文件引起的任何冲突性的资产指定。Any conflicting designations of the assets in your Account by will, revocable living trust or any other instrument.

第二部分概述了我国婚姻无效和可撤销制度的立法概况。Part two outlined the legislation overview of invalid marriage system and revocable marriage system in our country.

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可撤销信用证是指在未同受益人协商的情况下对承诺进行改变,甚至取消。An revocable credit is one that its commitments can be altered or even cancelled without consulting with the beneficiary.

在他们看来,这样的观点更好一点,即国家的各种官员应是他们的佃户或代表,可以依他们的喜好加以撤换。It appeared to them much better that the various magistrates of the state should be their tenants or delegates revocable at their pleasure.

如果你选择可撤销合同,在保证期内撤销合同会导致部分本金损失。If you choose a revocable contract, you may make partial surrenders during the guaranteed period. Your entire remaining principal is not guaranteed.