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多少钱一克?How much per a gram?

阿每线成本较低。A lower cost per lead.

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好。多少钱一千克?。OK, how much per kilo?

预付定金是多少?How much is it per month?

我也是你的爱好者。Io so no anche per i fan.

每小时只有5-6人参观。About 5-6 people per hour.

你的意思是每个月50万。You mean 500000 per month.

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每枝香烟烟草减。Less tobacco per cigarette.

指甲每月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3mm per month.

指甲每个月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3mm per month.

此管理将按用户进行。This management is per user.

最高时速500公里每小时!Top speed is 500km per hour!

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每股收益是什么What are earnings per share?

参赛费为每队60元人民币。Entry fee is 60 RMB per team.

四十五美元。Forty-five dollars per night.

每天的租费是多少?。How much is the rate per day?

指甲每个月会长3毫米。Nails grow at 3 mm per month.

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我们的提请一如扫瞄的档案。Our request as per scan file.

每车公里客运密度?。Passengers Per Bus-Kilometer?

在每一个硒诱导燃烧器。An induction burner at Per Se.