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是咸食?Is it a salty food?

所以说读书是咸的。So reading is salty.

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菜太咸了。The dish is too salty.

这份汤太咸了。The soup is too salty.

炖肉尝起来很咸。The stew tastes salty.

这汤太咸了。This soup's too salty.

为何海水是咸的?Why the Sea is Salty ?

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这是咸的还是甜的?Is this salty or sweet?

拒绝含盐零食。Say no to salty snacks.

马铃薯是咸的。The potatoes are salty.

这盘菜太咸了。This dish is too salty.

这只鱼味道很咸。The fish was very salty.

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你是一位有盐味的基督徒吗?Are you a salty Christian?

炙热的阳光,空气中迷漫着咸味,海浪有节奏地拍打着。Salty air. Rhythmic waves.

这奶酪有点咸。This cheese is a bit salty.

这杯杜松子酒,这咸咸的土地。This gin, this salty earth.

有,咸蛋就是咸的东西。Yes, salted eggs are salty.

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这个菜咸得齁人。This dish is much too salty.

酱油能使食物变咸。Soy sauce can make food salty.

这个菜太淡。This dish is not salty enough.