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为何运动可以“降压”呢?Why does exercise decrease stress?

请调弱底线张力。Decrease the bobbin thread tension.

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背部着地滑行,以降低被埋深度。Backstroke to decrease burial depth.

为什么月经量减少了?Why did menstrual quantity decrease?

渐弱力量或音量的逐渐减弱。A gradual decrease in force or loudness.

降低下降速率的垂直推进器。Vertical thrusters to decrease fall rate.

它将变大还是变小呢?Would it increase or decrease z effective?

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此外,我们的频率单调减少。Also we have monotone decrease of frequency.

如果降低工作台的高度。If you decrease the height of the worktables.

肉毒碱,减缓肉疼痛。Carnitine appears to decrease muscle soreness.

交通事故减少了。There has been a decrease in traffic accidents.

然后,最快减少的方向是什么?And, with the direction of the fastest decrease?

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减肥可以减少身体尿酸的水平。Losing weigh may decrease uric acid in the body.

否则,隔离度将严重下降。Otherwise, isolation should be decrease seriously.

具备喷雾降尘功能,适宜降尘,湿润空气。Can be used to decrease the dust , moisten the air.

是否降低服务器在高负载下的故障发生几率?Decrease number of times server crumbles under load?

旱地龙可有效地缩小叶面气孔开度。FA could decrease the opening degree of wheat stoma.

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新的分析方法能帮助减少这种风险度。New analytic methods can help to decrease this risk.

管持续引流胆汁可降低胆总管压力。T-tube drainage can decrease the bile duct pressure.

抗逆转录病毒的目的就是降低病毒载量。The intention of ART is to decrease this viral load.