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你常常公开抨击某些行业或做法,但很少针对具体企业或个人。You often publicly lambaste certain industries or practices, but rarely specific companies or people.

村长大骂了老冯一顿,要他背着玉珠上县医院,这时叶虹哭着过来说玉珠不行了。Village head to lambaste laofeng, want he county hospital carrying jade beads, then Ye Hong jade bead cried. Said.

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周四,一向冷静的总统发了火,在新泽西的演讲台上把质疑者们一顿痛骂。The cool president has turned hot on the stump, stripping to shirtsleeves to lambaste doubters in New Jersey Thursday.

我本以为这么说,她一定会非常的害臊,又或者是大骂我色狼。I originally think to say so, she will be definitely very bashful, Adidas JS Teddy Bear, again or is lambaste my sex maniac.

谢易达维持他一向的反对体制的激进态度,不只批判BIGTV,还大骂安在勇。XieYi amounted to maintain his always opposed radical attitude, not only of system of critical BIGTV, still lambaste Ann in yong.

文彦赶回家里,大骂高珊珊毁坏本人的婚礼,高珊珊通知文彦品如曾经有了丈夫,不应该和她结婚。WenYan back home, to lambaste high shan destroy my wedding, high WenYanPin such as once shan notice the husband, should not marry her.

在经历令人筋疲力尽的初选后,民主党在丹佛正式推出该党候选人,同时批评共和党。After an exhausting primary season, the Democratic Party gathers in Denver to anoint its presidential candidate and lambaste the Republicans.

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徐嘉惠陪着郝爷来到偏远的大街,听着郝建国对着空巷大骂霍老板时,徐嘉惠觉的本人很对不起岳父!XuJiaHui accompany hao ye came to remote street, listen to the alley HaoJianGuo lambaste boss, huo XuJiaHui feel oneself very sorry father-in-law!

牛胜利质问金多宝为何在一个男人家里,金多宝解释她当保姆之事,牛胜利大骂之后挂断电话。Cattle victory questioned why gold stupa in a mans house, gold stupa explained her baby-sitting, cattle victory to lambaste after hang up the phone.

我见过由于平等、自由和财富赞成美国的人,我也见过由于不平等、宽容邪恶和自私、强烈斥责我的国家的人。I have met people that praise my country for its equality freedom and wealth and I have met others that lambaste it for its inequality tolerance of iniquity and selfishness.

曾聪明和程超群在办公室内大骂天外天主厨建南,建南解释自己怎么不会知道那种常识,是田在天让他这么做的。Have wisdom and path supergroup in office to lambaste TianWaiTian chef south building, built south explain how oneself will not know the common sense, is the field in the day let him do it.

甚至有人在公开场合为受到伤害的孩子大闹学校、大骂老师、大上法庭,并且所有的一切都在孩子的眼皮底下进行的。Even someone at in order to suffer from a harmful kid to greatly make a school, lambaste a teacher and greatly go to law court, the public also all everythings carry on in the kid's eyelid underneath.