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米克耸耸肩。Mick shrugged.

他打电话给米克。He phoned Mick.

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——是的,米克说。Yeah, said Mick.

——晚安,米克。Good night, Mick.

米克又耸耸肩。Mick shrugged again.

米克和他妈的双胞胎。Mick and his fuckin’ twins.

米克长得很象他的父亲。Mick closely resembled his father.

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——道德标准,哥们,米克说。The moral compass, man, said Mick.

他现在在后悔给米克打了电话。He was regretting he’d called Mick now.

——什么也没有,在米克接通手机时他说。Nothing, he said, when Mick answered his mobile.

谢谢。“米克一边绑好滑雪板的带子一边说,”"Thanks. " Mick said as he strapped on the skis. "

我真的要停下了,还有米克·杰戈,你好吗?And I'd really like to stop. Mick Jagger . How 'bout you?

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当我把手推车推向洞口的时候,大狗米可在后面跟着我。Mick the dog follows me as I trundle the barrow to the hole.

即便在66岁高龄,贾格尔还是能搞上各个年龄的姑娘。Even at the age of 66, Mick Jagger can get ladies of all ages.

当时,14岁的迈克珀力也在场,但他的父母不在那里。Fourteen-year-old Mick Perlie was there too, but his parents weren’t.

米克·克拉克,又名锡德·布朗,被警方通缉审问。Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown, is wanted for questioning by the police.

要是米克再象那样开始同你讲话,我会马上制服他的。Mick starts talking to you like that again I'll soon settle his hash.

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给我面试的就是销售部里一个叫米克·杰克逊的人。My interview is in the Sales office with someone called Mick Jackson.

要是米克再象那样开始同你讲话,我会马上制服他的。If Mick starts talking to you like that again I'll soon settle his hash.

如果有什么事要发生并且有人要受伤的话,那个人就会是米克。If it's going to happen and someone's going to get injured it will be Mick.