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乌云预示着有暴风雨。Black clouds forebode a storm.

乌云是风雨欲来的前兆。Those black clouds forebode rain.

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这些情况预示著要有灾祸。These developments forebode disaster.

人生总是很难预料。It is very difficult to forebode all the time.

这类攻击通常在第一类攻击之后,也是第三类攻击的预兆。Such attacks are generally the aftermath of a class I attack, and forebode class 3 attacks.

头发枯黄、无光泽预示缺铁和缺乏维生素B。Hair is withered and yellow , lusterless forebode incomplete iron and be short of vitamin B.

“仙人澡塘”以水色的变化能预兆晴雨和地震而闻名。The Immortal Bathtub is famous for its changing water-color , which can forebode the weather and the earthquake.

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个性化的象征是易卜生戏剧中用来传达某种精神体验、暗示微妙的内心世界、预示人物特殊的命运而广泛采用的表现手法。In Ibsen's dramas, private symbols are widely used to express some mental experience, to imply the subtle inner world and forebode characters's peculiar destiny.

如果我的预感不错的话,除去上天的仁慈,没有什么力量,无论是通过讲出来的语言或是任何形式的标志,能够揭示可能埋在一个人心里的秘密。can be, if I forebode aright, no power, short of the Divine mercy, to disclose, whether by uttered words, or by type or emblem, the secrets that may be buried with a human heart.

当我独自在田野里徘徊时,那些花朵、小草、树木、河流之所以能给我以慰藉,正是因为我隐约预感到,我可能会和另一颗同样爱它们的灵魂相遇。When I alone wander in the field, those flowers, grasses, trees and rivers can solace me just because I vaguely forebode that I'm likely to meet another soul who loves them likewise.