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我跑进火车。I run onto the train.

他跳到了草坪上。He bounces onto the grass.

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她在座位上坐好。She settles onto the seat.

你在玩成一件大事。You’re onto something big.

他的土地紧靠公路。His land abuts onto a road.

它一定通到这条隧道之上了。It must open onto a tunnel.

穿线在串上的鸡。Thread chicken onto skewers.

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有一片罗卜掉到了地上。A slice falls onto the floor.

先把手柄套在水杯上。Put the handles onto the cup.

将煎好的蛋皮移入一个大盘子内。Slide out onto a large plate.

猫纵身跳上围墙。The cat jumped onto the wall.

把它粘到黄纸上。Glue it onto the yellow paper.

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他在泥泞的路面上滑着走。His muddy slide onto the road.

我们的房屋背朝着一个花园。Our house backs onto a garden.

她经常跳上我的膝盖。She often jumps onto my knees.

还是你旁边的那个人?Or onto the person next to you?

那幢房子背面靠河。The house backs onto the river.

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任何人都留不住昨天!You cannot hold onto yesterday.

你很快就会识破他的诡计。You'll be onto his tricks soon.

一只灰鹤飞到树上。A grey crane flew onto the tree.