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这里的只是一些跛脚的额外无足轻重。Here's just some lame extra footy.

澳新军团日袋鼠特兹饮料,褴褛及两个向上!Wallaby Teds ANZAC Day drinks, footy & TWO UP!

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这像是一家体育酒吧,周五周六晚上有足球。It's like a sports bar and has footy on Fri and Sat nites.

我会带我妻子去跳舞,然后陪我儿子踢足球。I'd take my wife dancing. And go and play "footy" with my son.

橄榄球,足球和澳大利亚式橄榄球都是剧烈运动会导致严重的受伤。Rugby, soccer and footy are all rough games and can lead to serious injuries.

用一些愚蠢的方法来证明自己的一些无足轻重的技能,只能给自己带来难堪。It can only bring one the pain when showing off some footy skills by fool ways.

长期以来,无论是中国还是外国,译者一直处于无足轻重的地位。Translators had been footy for a long time in China as well as in other countries.

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他之所以这么说,是因为“希特勒欢天喜地地拍着手,马上冲进自己的房间换上了米奇老鼠的耳朵和印有唐老鸭图案的睡衣裤。”This was presumably followed by "he clapped his hands in glee, and immediately ran to his room to change into the mouse ears and Donald Duck footy pajamas."

原因是“他欢天喜地地拍着双手,立即冲进房间换上米老鼠耳朵和唐老鸭连脚睡裤。”" This was presumably followed by "he clapped his hands in glee, and immediately ran to his room to change into the mouse ears and Donald Duck footy pajamas.

兔子得意洋洋地笑着,那神情就象是他自己赢了橄榄球决赛。麦特的眉头紧皱着,手指不知不觉的放进了他自己的完美的有型有款的头发里。Rabbit laughed triumphantly, as if he had just won the footy finals on his own or something. Frowning, Matt ran his fingers through his own perfectly-styled hair.