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屯门录得三十毫米雨量纪录。Tuen Mun recorded 30mm of rainfall.

屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

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屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

下一站系屯门医院,属单程车票第三收费区。Next stop is Tuen Mun Hospital, zone 3 for single-ride ticket.

屯门医院日间医疗中心已经落成。The Ambulatory Care Centre of Tuen Mun Hospital was completed.

本研究集中在屯门及元朗区,理解居民使用单车的经验。This study concentrates on the residents of Tuen Mun and Yuen Long.

登上城门楼,可以将“崖州八景”尽收眼底。Shing Mun boarded floor, "Yazhou eight scenic spots" panoramic view.

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作为屯河的一员,我们更加能够深切的体会到这一点!As one of the Tuen Mun River, we can more deeply understand the point!

荃湾、屯门及沙田便是当时第一代的新市镇。Tsuen Wan, Tuen Mun and Sha Tin were new towns of the first generation.

下一站系屯门医院,单程车票第三收费区终止。Next stop is Tuen Mun Hospital, the end of zone 3 for single-ride ticket.

位于漆咸道南的永久性博物馆和柴湾鲤鱼门博物馆的建筑工程进展良好。Chatham Road South and the Lei Yue Mun Museum in Chai Wan progressed well.

中锋郑大世,和中锋文仁国都是这个队里德粘合剂。Striker Jong Tae Se, and midfielder Mun In Guk, are the "glue" of the team.

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鲤鱼门道场儿童班由即日开始回复正常操练。Lei Yue Mun Children Class shall resume normal training with immediate effect.

下一站系九龙塘。乘客可在该站转乘地下铁路列车。The next station is Tuen Mun Terminus, passenger may change there for Light Rail.

新界,荃湾城门道八号,新界南总区警察总部。New Territories South Regional Police Headquarters 8Shing Mun Road, Tsuen Wan, N. T.

改及争议,以屯门独木舟会最终决定为准。If there are any argument or change, Tuen Mun Canoe Club will make the final judgment.

一些批评者给模联贴上了“富家孩子的游戏”的标签,认为它是精英分子的专属。Some critics have labeled MUN "a rich kids' game", an activity reserved for the elite.

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今晚这个典礼十分重要,对于屯门区和葵青区的居民来说,意义尤其重大。Tonight is a significant occasion, especially for residents of Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing.

我们常备自家手做陶器制品以供选择,更欢迎订做特定陶瓷制品。All handmade potteries are made in Tuen Mun. We can also special make the ceramics for you.

他指出,中国西部地区模联协会数量的增加就是最有利的证明。He points to the increasing number of MUN clubs in western China as evidence to the contrary.